
发布 2020-05-29 08:26:28 阅读 3302

六年级英语unit 1测试卷。


1、乘公共汽车2、步行 3、自行车 4、火车 5、飞机 6、船;舰 7、地铁 8、上学9、怎样 10、交通灯11、交通规则12、停 13、等;等待 14、到达15、mean 16、remember 17、country 18、always 19、right 20、side 21、left 22、通常 23、有时 24、从来不 25、去那 26、回家27、fifth 28、see you then29、however 30、crosswalk


1、你怎样去美国2、我怎样到公园3、你可以乘公共汽车去4、看这些交通灯5a red light.(红灯停)6、my home is near the post office7、there are always three light:red,yellow and green8、do you know the traffic rules9、你可以乘12路公共汽车10、remember the traffic rules


1、go foot on i usually (.

2、bike i go by sometimes(.)

3、there can i how get(?)

4、on to the foot park goes grandfather my(.)

5、zoo get i can how the to(?)

6、on drive right the side of drivers the road(.)

7、must you know rules the traffic(.)

8、far not it’s(.)

9、school do to how you go(?)

10、you what about(?)

unit2 where is the science museum?


1.医院2、电影院3、邮局4、书店 5对不起6、图书馆7、哪儿8、请9、一双 10、下车11、三分钟12、与。相邻13、告诉 14、左边 15、右转弯16、寻找17、直走18、然后19、北 20、南。


1.( are you going to buy? a. what b. where c. when

2.—where is the post office, please ? it’s next ( the hospital.

want to buy a pair ( shoes.

straight ( five minutes. b. for

the evening i oftentv at home . science museum is ( the left.

there a cinema near here?( is. there is. there isn’t.

it far from not far not far it’s far

can( )the no.405 bus. a by


1 . it is near the shoe store

not far.

home is next to the school

want to buy a pair of shoes.(改为否定句。

4、连词成句 (10分)


school is in the left

left at the shoe store.

are your home

can go by the no. 4 bus

is a tree on front of my home


h. means

left __the bookstore.

you all __coming to my birthday party.

hospital is west___the post office.

___at the post office .

is __from our school.

6.__at a green light.

7at a red light.

yellow light___wait”.

is going to the supermarket___his mother.

are you going to do __the weekend.


john:hello,sarah!tomorrow is my eleventh will h**e a birthday you coming?

how can i get to your house?

john:well,let me tell you . is there a bus stop in front of your house?

sarah:yes,there is. john:

first,go to the bus the no. 4 off at the bookstore. sarah:

and then?


pep小学英语六年级上册期中测试卷。听力部分。四 listen and fill 听录音,填写下列所缺的字母或单词,使其完整,每空一字母或一单词。每小题读两遍。每空0.5分,共8分 a 填入所缺的字母 1.at 2.ot 3.t n 4.ze t 5.etch 6.ut 7.li8.s t b 填入...


班级 姓名 一我会将下列单词归类 12分 plane library hospital tonight bookstore bike bus morning evening cinema tomorrow ship 1交通工具。2建筑。3时间。二我会连线 10分 医院 post card 阅读杂志n...


2016 2017学年度第一学期期中质量检测六年级。英语试题。第i卷 选择题,共60分 一 听力选择。共20小题,计30分 w w w x k b o m 一 听录音,选出与你所听到的内容相符的 共5小题,计5分 abcabcabc abcabc二 听句子,选出句子中所包含的单词或短语。共5小题,计...