joinin 六年级上册英语期末测试卷

发布 2020-07-21 06:14:28 阅读 3683


听力部分(共 50 分)(听力材料读两遍)

i. listen and number. 听录音,给**标号。(12 分)

iv. listen and match. 听录音,选出与短文描述相符的动物**,并将字母序号写在对应的括号内。(10 分)

ii. listen and connect. 听录音,将人名和对应的**连线。(8 分)

iii. listen, guess and write. 听录音,根据对话猜一猜孩子们喜欢的课程,并将课程前的数字序号写在方框内。(4 分)

1. geography 2. history 3. french 4. ict

5. drama 6. science 7. maths 8. music

v. listen and choose. 听录音,在正确答案后的括号里打“ √10 分)

读写部分(共 50 分)

i. read and match. 读句子,将左右相关联的句子连线。(5 分)

iii. read, choose and write. 读问句,从方框中选择单词写在横线上,完成短文。

6 分)broke had put cut was went

1. carlos’s precious things are his fish.

2. this cd player is precious to anna.

3. sam’s precious things are his books.

4. the horse is precious to mark.

5. jim’s precious thing is his tv.

a. she loves music.

b. he feeds his fish every day.

c. he likes watching sports and cartoons.

d. he has got more than 3000.

e. it can run very fast.

when joeleight, hean accident with his bike. hehis leg and his right arm. he was in hospital for four weeks.

last year joseph was on holiday with his parents. one day heswimming. he

his foot on a broken bottle. his muma bandage around it.

iv. choose and guess. 从括号内选择正确的单词或短语写在横线上补全句子。并根据短文的描述,在对应动物**旁的圆圈内打“√”8 分 )

ii. read and choose. 选择填空,将正确答案字母序号写在括号里。(8 分)

v. read and match. 根据句子的描述,将方框内对应的节日名称写在横线上。( 8 分 )

thanksgiving christmas mid-autumn festival halloween

1. families sit around the tree to sing a song. the children can get the presents from santa claus on this day.


2. the children dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts. they would go had a lot of fun on that day.

it’s3. on this day, families get together and h**e a big dinner. people usually eat turkey, sweet potatoes and other vegetables.


4. on this day, families get together and eat moon cakes. people far from home look up at the moon and think about their families.


vi. reading. 阅读理解。(10 分)

a. 根据 tony 的课程表,选择正确的答案回答问题,并将字母序号写在括号里。

b. 根据短文内容判断句子的正误,在对应的方框内打“√”

famous places around the world

the eiffel tower is in paris, the capital of france. it has 1,652 steps to the top of the tower and it took twenty-two years to build it.

the white house is in washington dc. it is the home and office of the president of the united states of america.

the great pyramid is found near cairo in egypt, in north africa.

true false

1. the eiffel tower is in england.

2. the white house is in america.

3. the white house is the office of the president of the us. 4.

the great pyramid is in asia.

5. the great pyramid was the home of the king.

vii. read and write. 根据提供的**,写一篇英语短文,介绍 peter 的信息。(5 分)要求:1、介绍包括**里的所有信息。




六年级上册总复习。课前测验 一 听写。二 按照要求写出下列句子,请注意时态。1.他将会去踢足球。一般将来时 2.我们正在玩电脑游戏。现在进行时 3.莉莉 lily 每天8点去学校。一般现在时 4.露西 lucy 昨天9点钟起床。一般过去时 5.我将会去吃午饭。一般将来时 6.你们正在看电视。现在进行...


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