JoinIn六年级上1 6单元句型

发布 2020-08-04 10:19:28 阅读 7306

《join in》六年级 unit 1

重点单词: (重点复习星期的单词)(要求背诵)


1. how many pupils are there in your class? 你班上有多少个学生?

there are twenty pupils in our class. 我们班上有20个学生。

2. how many subjects do you h**e at school? 你在学校里有多少门课?

i h**e 10 subjects at school. 我在学校里有10门课。

3. what’s your f**orite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?

my f**orite subject is english. 我最喜欢的科目是英语。

4. which school do you go to? 你去哪个学校? i go to lake school.

5. what do they like doing? 他们喜欢干什么? they like singing songs. 他们喜欢唱歌。

6. what do you like doing? 你最喜欢干什么? i like playing football. 我最喜欢踢足球。

7. what do they often do? 他们经常干什么? they often listen to classical music. 他们经常听古典**。

8. what do you often do? 你经常干些什么?

i often go to science museum. 我经常去科学馆。 (要求可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答)


1. i came to china. 我来自中国。

2. this year we will h**e two new subjects, drama and history.今年我们加了两门新课程,戏剧和历史。

3. we all love sports. 我们都喜欢运动。

4. school is great fun. 学校非常有趣。

5. i love sports and games. 我爱运动和游戏。

6. i love drawing pictures. 我爱画画。

7. i often go to the science museum. 我经常去科学馆。


1. 会用how many。。。提问,问数量:how many books do you h**e?你有几本书?

2. 会用what’s your f**orite color/food/animal/..句型提问,你最喜欢的颜色/食物/动物。是什么?

3. like doing喜欢做某事 i like swimming。我喜欢游泳。


join in》六年级 unit 2



1. beijing is the capital of china. 北京是中国的首都。

2. beijing is in the north of china. 北京在中国的北方。

3. it is one of the biggest cities in the world. 这是全世界最大的城市之一。

4. the city is full of history and culture. 这个城市弥漫着历史与文化的气息。

5. there are many interesting places in beijing. 北京有很多好玩的地方。

6. big ben and the london eye are great fun to visit.

7. the great wall and the palace museum are the most popular.

8. you can feel the history and the culture of the country here.你可以感受到这个城市的文化与历史。

9. is new york one of the biggest cities in the world? 纽约是世界上最大的城市之一吗?

yes, it is one of the biggest cities in the world. 是的,纽约是世界上最大的城市之一。

10. 10. what city is the capital of the us?

美国的首都是哪个城市? washington dc is the capital of the us. 华盛顿是美国的首都。

11. 11. is new york a city by the sea? 纽约是靠近海边的城市吗? yes, it is.是的

12. 12. are there many tall buildings in the city?

城市里有许多高楼大厦吗? yes, there are. 是的,有的 (可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答)


1. go straight ahead. 笔直往前走。

2. take the first right/left. 第一个路口右拐/左拐

3. take the second right/left. 第二个路口右拐/左拐

4. take the third right/left.第三个路口右拐/左拐

5. tomorrow we’ll be back in manchester. 明天我们会回到曼彻斯特。

6. guess where we are at the moment. 猜猜我们现在在哪?

7. today we’re in the middle of london. 今天我们在伦敦的中心。

8. we’re walking around hyde park. 我们正沿着海德公园走。

9. next we are going to big ben and tower bridge.接下来我们将要去大本钟和伦敦桥。

10. the changjiang river runs across the city from west to east.长江自西向东穿过整个城市。


1. there be句型 :there +be+名词+介词+地点,强调“某地有某物”

2. 一般将来时:主语+be going to +动词原形 i am going to swim.我准备去游泳

3. 现在进行时:主语+be+v-ing i am swimming.我正在游泳。


join in》六年级unit 3



1. when is halloween? 万圣节是什么时候? on 31st october. 10 月31号

2. which festival do you like, halloween or thanksgiving? 万圣节和感恩节你喜欢哪一个?

i like thanksgiving.我喜欢感恩节。

3. how do the children dress up? 孩子们会怎样装扮?

they dress up as witches, monsters or ghosts。 他们会装扮成女巫,怪物和鬼。

4. what do the children do on halloween ? 在万圣节的时候,孩子们会干什么?

they dress up and ring the doorbell from house to house. 他们盛装打扮,一家一家的按门铃。 (可以看得懂,听的懂,进行交际,知道根据问句怎么来回答)


1. ring the doorbell. 按门铃。

2. half an hour later. 半个小时候。

3. let me see what you’ve got. 让我看看你有什么。

4. there’s nobody at home. 家里没有人。

5. come here! 过来。

6. come down! 下来。

7. we’ll check it out. 我们会调查的。

8. well done. 做得好。

9. everybody has fun. 每个人都很有趣。

10. the moon is full and bright. 月亮又圆又亮。

11. many people will meet in the streets. 许多人会在街上见面。

12. people far from home look up at the moon and think about their families. 许多离家远的人会抬头看看月亮,思念他们的家人。


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