
发布 2020-05-23 23:48:28 阅读 4877




1. i 2. d 3. f 4. e 5. q

6. k 7. g 8. r 9. w 10. y


1. chair


)1、--this is my friend, john.

a. i’m tenb. goodbye. c. nice to meet you.

)2、--where are you from?

a. my name is mike. b. i’m from canada. c. i’m a boy.

)3、--nice to meet you.

a. i’m from canada. b. thank you. c. nice to meet you, too.

)4、--how many cats can you see?

a. i can see eight b. thank you. h**e eight.

)5、--who’s that woman ?

a. this is my father. b. she is my mother. c. he is my father.

)6、--let’s play a game.

a. okb. really? c. thank you.

)7、--who’s this little boy?

is my brother. is my father. is my sister.

) 8、--where is my ruler ?

on the desk. a you.

)9、--how many crayons do you h**e ?

see h**e ,too.

)10、--is she your mother?

a. no,he isn’tb. yes, she isn’t. c. yes, she is.



morning. b.goodmorning c.good afternoon


a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome!


a. how old are you? b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you!


a、who’s this man? b、 who’s that woman? c、who’s that girl?


a、where’s my car? b、where’s my cat? c、this is my car.

)6、如果有人对你说:“i’m sorry.”你应该怎么回答:

a、thank you. b、you’re welcome. c、it’s ok.


a、where are you from? b、how are you? c、how old are you?

)8.当你把你爸爸介绍给miss wu时,你应说: _

a. this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad. c.he is my dad.

)9. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:__

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome!

)10. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:__

a. how are you? b. how old are you? c. very well, thank


( )1. it is ait has __ears.

a. rabbit; longb. cat; short

( )2. it is ait has a __tail.

a. bird; shortb. monkey; long

( )3. look at thisit is so

a. deer; shortb. giraffe; tall

( )4. this is ait is so

bigb. mouse; small

( )5. look at thatit has a __nose.

big六、读一读,连对话 。(10分)

1、nice to meet youa、he is my dad.

2、where are you fromb、yes ,i do.

3、who 's that manc、i can see 12.

4、do you like orangesd、nice to meet you ,too.

5、how many kites can you seee、i’m from china.



nineteen 18-6= 13+7twelve



2012 2013学年度第二学期三年级英语期末检测题班级姓名。一 按四线三格抄写下列字母 14分 g p n y r a k b v hfqd f 二 找朋友 连线并把正确答案的的序号填在提前到括号内共40分 a.盒子 a 在家。b.香蕉 b.篮球。c.星期一 c 秋天。d.毛线衫4.at home...


三年级数学期中测试卷。时间90分钟满分100分 一 口算我最棒。12分 二 我知道。20分 年2月份有 天,合 个星期又 天。2 一年有 个月,31天的月份有个,30天的月份有 个 2月份有28天的年份叫 年,有29天的年份叫 年。3 用24时计时法,晚上9时是 中午12时是 4.3年 个月24月 ...


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