
发布 2020-05-23 23:29:28 阅读 7605

三年级英语上册 module 6单元测试。


一、填色1. _24. _5. _

二、听音, 选择。

6. what’s __a. this b. that c. it

7. i ’m a __a. pupil b. teacher c. cat

8. that is __a. six b. seven c. eight

9. how many __a. pens b. pen c. pen

10. it’s on the __a. desk b. chair c. book

三、 听音, 填单词。11、 it’s __pen.

12、 what is13、 it’s a __book.

14、 this is __english teacher. 15、 this is a __

四、按要求写单词。16. this 对应词___

17. what is 缩写形式___18. it is缩写形式___

19. i am缩写形式___20. boy 对应词___

五、组单词21、 owidnw___22. atth___23. ookb___

24. awht___25. dan___

六、选择。 ) 26. what __this? a. is b. are c. am

) 27. say __again. a. is b. in c. it

) 28. it is __white pencil. a. an b. black c. a

) 29. i am __orange dog. a. a b. an c. ten

) 30. -what’s thisis a blue cat.

a. it b. this c. that

七、 连词成句, 注意大小写。

31、 red it is book a

32. this is what

33. pupil i am a

34. desk it is a

35. english this my is book

八、补充句子。36. –what is this? –it is a __狗)

37. –what is this? –it is a __包)

38. –what is this? –it is a __铅笔。

39. –what is this? –it is a __椅子)

40. –what is this? –it is a __窗户)

三年级英语上册 module 7单元测试。


二、听音, 选择。

)6. here’s your___a. pen b. pencil c. bag

)7. i ’m __a. seven b. eight c. nine

)8. daming is __a. six b. seven c. eight

)9. how old __you? a. is b. am c. are

)10. this is my __a. desk b. chair c. book

三、 听音, 填单词。

11、 _is your pen.

12、 thank13、 this is __cake.

14、 one, two, three, _five. 15、 stand up, five and __

四、按要求写单词。16. stand 对应词___

17. up 反义词___18. too 同音字___

19. here is 缩写形式___20. you 你的___

五、组单词21、 kool___22. pphay___23. inen___

24. ereh __25. hankt___

六、选择。 ) 26. it __a pen. a. is b. at c. am

) 27. here’s __cake. a. you b. your c. it

) 28. i am ninea. to b. two c. too

) 29. sit down, 4 __8. a. and b. an c. ten

) 30. –how old are you

a. i am ten b. thank you c. i am fine

七、 连词成句, 注意大小写。

31、 six you are

32. too ten i am

33. your present here is

34. daming thank you

35. nine look sam

八. 连线。

36. –what color is this? –a. it is a red book.

37. –how old are you? –b. fine, thank you.

38. –how many boys? –c. it is black

39. –how are youd. i am six.

40. –what is thise. eleven boys

外研社(三起)三年级英语上册 module 8 测试卷。


一、 我会根据汉语意思写单词。



二、用“/ 划去不属于同类的单词。

三、 选择题。

)1. wherethe bag ?

a. are b. am c. is d. be

)2. is itthe green bag ?

a. on

)3. -is it in the box

it is . b. no, it is. c. yes, it is hat . d. no, it is bag.

)4. -where is the box

in the green bag . b. it’s a green bag

)5is the pen ?

)6.--what’ s this

a. it is amyb. i am nine.

c. i am fined. it is a chair.


1.it’s in the baga. 它在桌子里吗?

2. is it in the deskb. 这是什么?

3. where is the cakec. 这是一只黄色的钢笔。


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