
发布 2020-05-18 09:28:28 阅读 1987




1. g rl 2. fri nd 3. fa her

4. w men 5. s ster 6. br ther

7. tw lve 8. s xteen 9. tw nty 10. br ther


( )1. a twelve b father c grandma

( )2. a sister b eleven c eighteen

( )3. a apple b ant c dog

( )4. a teacher b student c woman

( )5. a pink b purple c colour


a. (guess.

your teacher?

she's my teacher.

who's that woman?

yes.b. (thirteen.

how many books do you h**e?

red. what colour?

( )sure.

( )may i h**e a look?


1.( where are you from?

2.( who's that boy?

3.( let's go home.

4.( how many pens do you h**e?

5.( how many books can you see?

6.( nice to meet you.

7.( look at my bag.

8.( who's that woman?

a she's my teacher

b ok.c oh, it's so nice.

d nice to meet you.

e i can see 14.

f fifteen.

g he's mike's brother.

h we're from can.


) 1.你想知道爸爸有多少本书,你问:

a. how many books do you h**e? b. how many books can you see?

) 2.你对刚认识的朋友说:

a. where are you fromb. nice to meet you!

) 3.上课迟到了,你说:

a. come inb. i'm sorry.

) 4.介绍妈妈跟你的老师认识,你说:

a. this is my motherb. i'm a teacher.

) 5.你向大家自我介绍,你说:

a. my name is sarahb. i'm fine.

) 6.弟弟想知道你能看见多少个桃子,他问:

a. how many peaches can you see? b. i can see fifteen.

) 7.同桌想知道**里的人是谁,他问你说:

a. she's my grandmab. who's that woman?

) 8. 同学约你一起画画,他说:

a. greatb. let's paint.


( )1. i am china!

( )2. this my friend, amy!

( )3. let’s tv.

( )4. welcome backschool!

( )5. my mom is from china. she uses

( )6. let’s a picture!

( )7. count from 1 15 !

( )8. wait moment !

a. ab. onc. an




5. purple

s day7. how many




实验小学2012 2013学年度第一学期第三次英语月考。听力部分 35分 听,选择你听到的字母或单词,将序号写在括号内 5分 1.a f b m c l 2.a ubg b usa c uhk 3.a umbrella b window c purple 4.a nose b rose c oran...


2014 2015年上学期三年级英语期中测试卷。一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。12分 bih edf 二 小小翻译家。10分 1 hello!a 你好b 再见。2 goodbye!a 再见b 你好。3 good morning!a 早上好b 下午好。4 摸 的脸。a touch your mouth ...


三年级一班英语期中试卷分析。新华民族学校三年级一班巩凤彬。三年级英语试卷有听力和笔试两部分组成,总分100分,其中听力50分,笔试50分。本次考试的题型为听音选词 认读 语言交际 看与画 等五个题型,认读主要考核学生认读单词的能力,语言交际主要考核学生用英语交际的能力,写字母的左邻右舍主要考察学生对...