
发布 2020-05-06 11:48:28 阅读 9159




)1. a. toiletb. gardenc. pair

)2. a. sweepb. sleepc. swing

)3. a. circleb. rectangle c. ********

)4. a. a storybook b. a copybook c. a picture book

)5. a. a carton of milk b. a box of chocolate c. a tin of chicken

)6. a. squareb. shapec. sure

)7. a. classroom b. reading room c. bedroom

)8. a. under the bed b. under the desk c. under the car

)9. a. there’s a cat on the wall. b. there’s a tv on the desk.

c. there’s a kite on the wall.

) what else do you need? b. what else do you like?

c. what else do you see?

答案:babcc abcca


二、听问句,选答句。(听两遍) (10%)

) 1. a. we like playing. b. we are playing. c. we can play.

) 2. a. yes, i dob. i like ducks. c. we h**e ducks.

) 3. a. they’re five squares. b. i can see some squares.

c. there are five squares.

) 4. a. i h**e some candles. b. we need some candles.

c. they need some candles.

) 5. a. there are some magazines. b. yes, they’re magazines.

c. they’re on the desk.



二、听录音,按所听顺序给下列图标号。(听两遍) (8%)

答案:2 4 3 8 6 7 1 5



1. a: howtoyareon the desk?

b: there are

2. a: whereliu taob: he’s in the bedroom.

a: what is heb: he is

3. a: ia vase. whatshe

b: shesome

答案:1. many, buses, there, eight 2. is,doing, reading does, need, needs, flowers




1. over lot2. table cake (

3. hat class4. these eat (

5. tiger pig6. sofa open (



1. 画画2. 洗衣服。

3. 看报纸4. 下象棋。

5. 玩电脑游戏6. draw two squares

7. a tin of chicken8. play the piano

9. a new house10. make a model plane___

答案: pictures clothes a news***** chess

computer games 6.画两个正方形 7.一罐鸡肉 8.弹钢琴

9.一个新房子 10.制作模型飞机。



)1. are therebooks in the bookcase?

a. someb. anyc. a

)2. there aren’tapples on the table.

a. anb. anyc. some

)3. nancy canpiano.

a. playing the b. playc. play the

)4. -do you likeyes, i do.

a. tigerb. rabbits c. some ms

)5. they likefootball with me.

a. playing b. playsc. play

)6. mike, can you come and help memy english?

a. tob. forc. with

)7. there’s a picturemy house on the wall.

a. forb. ofc. to

)8. -whatyou like? -i’d like an ice-cream.

a. wouldb. doc. does

)9. -whatis it? -it’s a star.

a. timeb. colour c. shape

)10. i watch tv __sundays, but they watch tv __the evening.

a. on, inb. in, in c. on, on

答案:bbcba cbaca



) 1. where are you goinga. ican play the piano.

) 2. here’s a card for you. b. i’d like some oranges.

) 3. how much is your penc. see you.

) 4. are they skatingd. all right.


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