
发布 2020-04-11 23:15:28 阅读 2322




i. 听句子,从a、b、c、d中选出你在句子中听到的单词。(5分)

1. a. manyb. muchc. musicd. mall

2. a. seventhb. thirteenthc. twelfthd. eleventh

3. a. comedies b. carrotsc. computers d. clothes

4. a. 7:30b. 7:25c. 6:20d. 7:20

5. a. southb. surveyc. science d. sound

ii. 听对话,完成下面句子,每空一词。(5分)

6. her friend is from

7. her f**orite subject is

8. mary has breakfast at

9. tommyplay the piano.

10. mike’s birthday is12th.

iii. 听对话,圈出符合对话内容的单词。(5分)

11. lucy likes (movies/beijing opera).

12. mark likes (movies/beijing opera)best.

13. lucy likes (comedies/thrillers).

14. mark can learn a lot about (chinese/chinese history).

15. mark wants to be a (actor/beijing opera artist).

iv. 听短文,补全短文中所缺的单词。(5分)

every morning, mrs. yang gets up at 16 . she makes breakfast for mr.

yang and their two children, kate and ben. they h**e breakfast at 17 . then kate and ben go to school at

at 19 ,mrs. yang goes to buy food and vegetables. kate and ben finish school at




21. i’m gina. nice to m___you.

22. -where are my tennis r___

-they are on the table.

l___the red apples, but i like the green ones.

24. -what’s the p___of the shirt?

-forty yuan.

25. -thank you!

-you are w


26.-happybirth), lucy!

-thank you.

27. jackie chan is achina) actor.

28. the baby is fivemonth) old.

and ibe) good friends.

brothergo) to bed at 10:30 in the evening.


)31. i like ice cream very muchlisa doesn’t like it.

a. andb. butc. so d. for

( )32. -what’s that ? it’senglish book.

a. ab. anc. the d.\

) go and __

a. play a soccer b. play soccer c. playing soccer d. to play soccer

) 34. this is __hat.

a. a hisb. his a c. hisd. he

) 35..thank you __your help.

a. forb. toc. ofd. at

) 36. the girl is alice brown. what’s her family name?

a. alice b. brown alice c. brown d. alice brown

) 37. can you __your soccer ball to school? i need it.

a. dob. playc. bringd. watch

)38.-do you h**e a __

-yes, i __at a clothes shop.

a. work, work b. work, job c. job, work d. job, job

( )him __with his friends.

a. playb. to playc. plays d.\

( )40.- can they __english?

yes,they can, but __

a. speech, little b. speak, a little c. tell, a little d. speak, little

iii.句型转换按要求改写下列句子,每空一词, 缩略词算一词。(5分)

41. my brother runs in the park every morning. (改为一般疑问句)

your brotherin the park every morning?

42. his dog is on the chair . 对划线部分提问)

his dog?

43. she has dinner at six o’clock in the evening. (对划线部分提问)

shedinner in the evening?

44. he can play the violin. (改为否定句)

hethe violin.

45. lucy’s brother also likes comedies. (改为同义句)

lucy’s brother likes comedies

iv.交际运用 (15分)


a: 46b: sandra clark? the running star?

a: yes, i like her very much.

b: i also like her.

a:47b: oh? what does she h**e for breakfast?

a: she has eggs, bananas and apples.

b:48a: she likes hamburgers, salad, and pears for lunch.

b: and dinner?


a: yes, she likes ice cream for that.



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