
发布 2020-03-31 13:21:28 阅读 9478



.选择题。1.—excuse me. how do youthat in english

it’s an eraser.

a. talk b. say c. speak d. tell

答案: say...in english.用英语说……,强调说话内容。

the internet.

a. lots of informationsb. many informations

c. lots of informationd. some informations

答案:c information 为不可数名词,不能变复数。

3. i want the classroom. could youme, please?

a. clean; helpb. to clean; help

c. clean; to helpd. to clean; to help

答案:b want+动词不定式;could为情态动词+动词原形。

4. we h**e a new friendis d**id. please look after

a. he; heb. his; he c. his; him d. he; him

答案:d 第一个空用he,因为是在句首当主语,所以要用主格;第二个空用him,因为它放在look after后作宾语,所以要用宾格。

5.—we’re going to h**e an exam next friday.

but we’re looking forwardnext saturday.

a. to going on a tripb. to go on a trip

c. going on a tripd. go on a trip

答案:a 固定搭配look forward to+名词或动名词。

6. we shouldn’t watchfilms and we shouldn’t watchtv either.

a. too much; too manyb. too many; too much

c. too much; too muchd. too many; too many

答案:b too many+复数名词;too much+不可数名词。

7.—is he tall and fat?

a. yes, he isb. yes, he isn’t.

c. he is tall and fat. d. no, he is.

答案:a 本题为一般疑问句,因此要用yes/no来回答,并要注意前后一致。

8. the womana lot of money on clothes every month.

a. paysb. costsc. spendsd. takes

答案:c spend...on...是个固定搭配。

9. imy window every day. now my window is

a. closed; closedb. close; closed

c. close; closed. closed; close

答案:b 第一个空强调动作,因此要用动词close;第二个空强调状态,因此要用形容词closed。

10. there are trees onside of the road.

a. bothb. eachc. every d. all

答案:b road有两边,此题用side强调每一边,因此要用each。



200 schools in the whole city.

答案:there are 由“in the whole city”可知此题强调某地有某物,应用there be 结构,又因后面用schools,因此要用复数are。


my sister alwaysfootball every evening.

答案:spends an hour watching 由主语my sister可知,此处的“花费(时间)”应选择spend,并且要用第三人称单数形式spends;再由spend...doing something可知后面的动词要用动名词;最后通过“看比赛”,可知此处要填watching。


daniel isin our class.

答案:the best swimmer 由表范围的“in our class”判断出此题应用最高级。


wenational day.

答案: are looking forward to look forward to意为“期盼”,这是个固定搭配。

5.我可以去上舞蹈课吗? 当然可以。

the dancing lesson? sure.

答案:may i go to may是情态动词,表示“可以”,其后动词用原形。


the book?

答案:what’s the price of 这是询问**的常用表达方法。


i oftenat lunchtime.

答案:chat with millie chat with somebody 和某人聊天。


i don’t knowthe question.

答案:the answer to the answer to the question意为“问题的答案”,这是个固定词组。



答案:goes to the reading club twice a week 本题要注意主语为第三人称单数形式。


reading can help us

答案:learn more about the world 根据help的用法,本题还可以填to learn more about the world。


is ourone)english lesson.

答案:first 本题题意为“第一节课”,要用序数词。

liketell)you about his school.

答案:to tell would like to do something 想要做某事。

is one of his f**orite basketballplay).

答案:players 由题意可知这个空应填表示人的名词player,又根据one of+复数名词,本题应填players。

4. does your father loveread) news***** in the morning?

答案:reading 表示喜欢的love后常跟名词或动名词。

5. amy is a very goodswim).

答案:swimmer 根据题意判断出此题应填表示人的名词。

6. millie has a dog called eddie. she loveshe) very much.

答案:him 在love后作宾语,应用宾格。

7. the students in our school spend half an hourplay) games every day.

答案:playing spend...doing something,此处应用动名词。

8. do you wanthelp) me?

答案:to help want+动词不定式。

9. i h**e a new friendcall) john.

答案:called called是过去分词作定语,修饰friend。

10. i often h**e dinner at mygrandparent) home.

答案:grandparents’ 本题表示所属关系,应用名词所有格,该名词是以“s”结尾的复数名词,则在词尾加’构成。



listen once and choose the vowel letters in each groups and write them out.(听录音一遍,找出每一组中的元音字母并将其写出来。)

答案: 听力原文:

b. listen twice and write the order to each picture.(听录音两遍,在相应物品的括号内写上序号。)



c. listen twice and fill in the blanks.(听句子两遍,填单词。)

1 .is this your

2. no, it

4. thank you. it’s his

5. can you spell

答案: 听力原文: this your eraser?

2. no, it isn’t.

her book.

4. thank you. it’s his backpack.

5. can you spell dictionary?

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导。七年级英语作文辅导方法。一 充分准备,打好基础。为了提高初一英语作文写作水平,平时应加强阅读,多背诵一些句形 段落甚至短文。俗话说 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 只有多读,多记,多背诵,才能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法,如书信...


七年级上册。unit one good morning,everyone 1 the first lesson,we h e to give yourself a name beginning from today,you h e your own english name 2 when we se...

