
发布 2020-03-31 13:19:28 阅读 4297


练习部分。一、 词汇积累。

1. 铅笔___2. eraser __3. 词典___4. spell __

5. 用英语___6. pencil sharpener___7. 文具盒___8. his pen

9.棒球___10. watch __11.笔记本___12. ring___

id card14. call alan at 495-3539

15.电子游戏___16. a set of __17.失物招领___


1).this is my pen.(改为一般疑问句并回答)


2). this is his pencil. (改为一般疑问句并回答)

肯。3) that is her pencil case. (改为一般疑问句并回答)

否。4) that is their classroom. (改为一般疑问句并回答)

肯。2. a: what’s this english? b: it’s pen.

a: how you spell it? b


1is this your english book? -yes, it is.

a. sorry b. hello c. excuse me d. hi

2do you spell your name? -j-i-m.

a. what b. how c. when d. why

3.( what’s this __english?

a: with b. on c. in d. for

五、中考链接(2009南充)gina had __apple this morning.

a. an b. a c. the

六。 能力提升。


1. what __be ) this in english? 2. this is __i ) id card. is __he ) first name?

4. is __you ) english name gina? 5she ) watch. it’s blue.

第二单元试题 (64分总分。


1is that your pencil casethat is his pencil case.

a. yes, it isn’t b. no, it is c. yes, it is d. no, it isn’t

2how __you spell photop-h-o-t-o. a. is b. are c. to d. do

3.( mum, this is __english teacher. a. i b. am c. you d. my

4.( is it __id card? a. a b. an c. the d. /

5how do you spell “ball

a. ok b. yes c. no d. b-a-l-l

6.( please call tom __2425678. a. on b. in c. at d. up

7.( there is __on my desk. it may be tom’s.

a. a set keys b. set of keys c. a set of keys d. a set of key

8.( is that your computer game in the __case?

a. lose and find b. lost and found c. lose and found d. lost and find

9.( i often play __soccer with my the b. /c. an d. a

10.( 2009南充) she is a student and __name is kate. a. she b. her c. hers


1. it is a pencil case.(划线部分提问itenglish?

2. that is my dictionary. (一般疑问句dictionary?

3. this is her ring. (变否定句her ring.

4. this is a clock. that is an eraser. (合并成一句) this is a clock __that is an eraser.

5. my telephone number is 875-4203.(划线部分提问telephone number?

三. 根据首字母完成单词。(8分)

1. your pencil is in the l and f case.

2. p call ann. her phone number 334-2333.

3. call mary a 535-4236. s id card is lost.

5. is that your computer g in the lost and found case?

first n is jiayu.


1、这是我的电子游戏。 this is

2、请拨打**689---3425 找琳达。 please __linda __689---3425.

3、玛丽的戒指在失物招领厨里吗?is mary’s __in the___and

4、我丢了一串钥匙。 i lost





1. is this jack’s id card

2. is that sonia’s english dictionary

3. what’s the card number

4. what’s sonia’s family name

5. what’s sonia’s telephone number

六、作文:linda green 丢失了一本红色英语字典,请你替她写一则寻物启示,她的**号码是:02810分)

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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七年级上册。unit one good morning,everyone 1 the first lesson,we h e to give yourself a name beginning from today,you h e your own english name 2 when we se...

