
发布 2020-03-31 04:25:28 阅读 2434







) he is my teacher.

are books.

a ruler

) is ,m-a-p,map.

a map.

ok. ) are.

okare cakes.

) a box

b. she is ten

c. she’s my teacher.


) is that?

a. a book. b. a schoolbag c. a box

)12. what’s this?

a. it’s a pencil. a pen an egg

) old is jack?

a.12. b.14. c.16.

) class is linda in?

5,grade 7 7,grade 5 8,grade 7

) grade is tom in?

two seven eight





七.用be动词填空[be(is , am , are )]5分)

1. i a teacher.

2. we chinese.

3. he my good friend.

4. she from england

5. those big apples.

八.用行为动词 h**e ,has 填空(5分)。

1. kangkang a small schoolbag.

2. they big noses.

3. ann and i good english teacher.

4. she an old desk.

5. does he a wide mouth?


1. this is a bus.(变为复数buses.

2. he is twelve years old.(划线提问is he?

3. my sister has short hair.(变为一般疑问)

sister short hair?

4. these apples are big.(变为一般疑问句apples big?

5. my hair is short hair.(变为同义句short hair.


)1. 选出元音音素相同的一组 。

a.tt dd jj b. oo uu ww c. hh kk aa gg jj

)2. -name is ann . what’s name?

a. b. her,your c . her,you. d. she your

)3. –what’s this english?

a. formb. to c. in d. at

)4. -how do you do?

a. how old are youc. how do you do

b. how are youd. fine,thanks

)5. tom is english boy .he’s class four,grade three.

a. an,the b. anc. a, /d. /the

)6. –who’s that?

- is my sister.

hat b. she c. hed. this

)7is the girl?

she’s ms wang.

a. what b. where c .how


a. how do you dob. what are these

c. how do you spell it d. what’s that?

)9what’s this in english?

it’s a schoolbag.

you jane b. excuse me c. how are you d. that’s ok

)10. –are you from the

- .i’m from england.

a. yes,it is b. yes, i am c. no,it isn’t d. that’s ok

)11. this is mr liu . english name is mike.

a. sheb. hec. hisd. her

)12. –what are those?

- cakes.

a. they are b. hec. hisd. her

)13. i don’t h**e ruler,do you h**e ?,it b. an, it c. a, one d. an, one

)14linda h**e a wide mouth?

yes,she .

a. do,dob. does ,does c. does,do d. do,does

)15. danny has big .

a. armesb. legc. eyesd. mouth



hi! my name is ding 41 years old. i’m 42 kunming,but now i’m in beijing no.

14 43 school. i’m in class five, grade 44 .

wang hai is my good 45 . he is thirteen,too. he is in class six, grade eight.

46 are in the same grade but in different(不同的) class.


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