
发布 2020-03-31 00:55:28 阅读 3293






第一节听力选择 ( 15小题,计15分)



1. what does sally like for lunch?

abc.2. what does the man want to buy?

abc.3. where is the boy’s pencil?

a. on the desk. b. in the desk. c. under the desk.

4. whose book is this?

a. jane’s. b. jack’s.

5. when is tina’s birthday party?

a. this wendnesday. b. this thursday. c. this friday.


6. what does linda’s dad like?

a. football. b. basketball. c. tennis.

7. is linda’s mother a teacher?

a. yes, she is. b. no, she isn’t. don’t know.


8. what does the boy h**e for breakfast?

a. eggs. b. bread and milk. c. bread, milk and eggs.

9. what's the girl's f**orite food?

b. noodlesc. milk.


10. what are bob’s f**ority subjects?

a. and music.

b. history and music.

c. and history.

11. why does bob like history?

a. because it’s boring.

b. because it’s interesting.

c. because it’s easy.

12. what’s sally’s f**orite day?

a. monday. b. friday. c. sunday.


13. what does the woman need?

a. a skirt. b. a dress. c. a t-shirt.

14. what color does the woman’s father like?

a. black and red. b. blue and white. c. black and white.

15. how much is the t-shirt?

a. fifty yuan. b. forty yuan. c. thirty yuan.

第二节笔录要点 ( 5小题,计5分)



第一节语法填空 (10小题,计10分)


21. —do you likebooks

—yes, very much.

a. lookingb. reading c. watching

22. li mingbreakfast at 7:00 every morning.

a. hasb. h**e c. had

23. —mum, i am hungry

— how about eating some

a. appleb. bread c. egg

24is the tv?

— it’s 2,000 yuan.

a. how many b. how about c. how much

25. —who are they?

a. they are my parents

b. they are at home

c. they like sports

26. —when is your birthday

— my birthday is

a. in june 1st, 2000

b. on august, 2000

c. on september 25th, 1999

27. the shoes are so nice. i’ll

a. take it b. take them c. sell them

28. —happy birthday to you.

a. the same to you b. that’s ok c. thank you

29. he likes english math, but he doesn’t like artmusic.

a. and; and b. and; or c. or; and

30. we h**e an art lesson for two hours on friday. i enjoy it. it’s really

a. difficultb. boring c. relaxing

第二节词语填空 (10小题,计10分)


it’s 31 monday. scott comes to school at 8: 15 in the morning.

he has science 32 eight thirty. he likes 33 because it’s interesting. 34 scott doesn’t like math.

at eleven he has math. the math teacher speaks very well, but scott doesn’t like him. 35 f**orite teacher is the teacher, mr.

stone. he is fun. his class sounds funny.

he 36 on monday afternoon. so scott 37 monday. from monday to 38 , scott has 39 at school at 11:

45. after school, scott plays 40 on the school playground, then he goes home. on saturday and sunday scott doesn’t go to school.

31. a. theb. atc. /

32. a. atb. inc. on

33. a. science b. english c. chinese

34. a. orb. butc. so

35. a. hisb. he’sc. him

36. a. h**eb. hasc. h**ing

37. like b. likesc. wants

38. a. saturday b. sunday c. friday

39. a. lunchb. breakfast c. supper

40. a. the football b. football c. a football

. 阅读技能(共两节,15小题,计30分)

第一节阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)


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