
发布 2020-03-31 03:59:28 阅读 9938


制卷: 赵春玲审核:(全体英语教师)

温馨提示:good luck ! 领导审核: 同意印制份。

第一部分: 听力(共四节,满分25分)



)3 abc.




) 6. a. nice to meet you. b. thank you.

) 7. a. it’s 6 o’ dec. 21st . c. it’s8223-3468.

) 8. a. you’re welcomeb. all rightc. i’m sorry.

) 9. a. .math.

) 10. a. no, it isn’tb. they’re mine. c. yes, they are.




) 11. what is her f**orite subject?

a. chinese b. english c. math.

)12. who is her math teacher?

a. mr. tony b .mrs. jane c. miss mary


) 13. does jack like soccerball?

he does. b. no, he doesn’t . c. i don’t know

) has asoccerball?

a. jackb. gina c. tom

) does tom like?

a. football b. basketball c. volleyball



) 16. a. green c. king

) 17. a. 20048567 b. 20045867 c.20045768

) 18. a. miss brown. green c. miss white

) 19. lei b. miss white c. mike

) 20. a. white c. green




) 21. this is my picture

a. pen b. map c. photo d. book

) 22. -how are you? -i am fine

a. good b. happy c. ok d. bad

) 23. i like math, it’s interesting.

a. boring b. relaxing c. sad d. fun

) 24. the school day is in the eighth month.

a .april b july c .august d september

) 25 you help me so much. thank you .

a. thanksb. very thanks

c. you’re welcome d. you’re very good



) 26. 26个字母中的元音字母是 .

a. b. c. d.

)27this your pencil? -yes, it is.

a. areb. isc. am d. be

)28is the skirt? -it’s orange.

a. what color b. where c. how d. how much

) 29. -are those pens greenthey’re black.

a. yes, those are b. yes, they are

c. no, they aren’t d. no, it isn’t

) 30. -your skirt is nice

sure b. thank you.

c. no, isn’t good. d. not very nice

)31. this is a girlname is kate.

a. sheb. herc. his d. its

) 32. -can you say it __english? -yes i can.

a. in b. at c. of d. under

) 33. -let’s play soccer. -that good.

a. looks b. watches c. sounds d. sound

) 34. do you play basketball?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

) 35. where your english book?

a. does, b. is c. are d. do

) 36. do you wantto school with me?

a. go b. to go c. goes d. to goes

) 37. tomatoes, carrots andare vegetables.

a. bananas b. potatoes c. hambergers d. eggs

)38. my aunt has a son. he is my

a. brother b. cousin c. sister d. uncle

) 39. –when is your birthday? -my birthday is

a. on august b. on august 1th

c. in august 1st d in august

) 40. maria likes apples pears, _she doesn’t like bananas.

a. and , and b. and, but c. but, but d. but, and

) 41. _are my friends

a. this b. that c. these d. there

) 42. -are these black pants? -they' ye ten dollars.

a. what b. how much c. what color d. when

) 43. classes begin __eight __the morning.


2015 2016学年度第一学期阶段性质量调研。考试范围 至牛津初中英语7上 unit4 注意事项 1 本试卷共8页,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。2 请将答案全部填写在第6 8页的答题纸上,在1 5页上答题无效。第一卷 共60分 一 听力 共20小题 每小题1分,满分20分 a 听下面10段对话...


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