
发布 2020-03-26 00:48:28 阅读 4644


一、 按要求完成下面各题。

1. study(第三人称单数形式2. jasmine flower (英译汉。

3. hobby (复数形式4. also (同义词。

5. swim (-ing形式6. join in (英译汉。


1. doing a. chinesea.

2. listening to b. kung fub.

3. cooksc. storiesc.

4. studiesd. musicd.

5. readinge. chinese foode.


)1. -what are your pen pal’s hobbies

a. he likes doing kung fu and dancingb. he’s doing kung fu.

)2. -does your mother teach chinese

a. yes, she doesb. no, she isn’t.

)3. ilike listening to music.

a. toob. also

)4. that is very

a. interestingb. interested

)5. he livesa farm.

a. inb. on

四、 选择合适的词并用它的适当形式填空。

1. mikeplaying ping-pong.

2. my fathertv at night.

3. johnto work by bus.

4. i like

5. ms wangin sydney.

6. john sometimesstories to his cows.

五、 读句子,选择合适的单词填空。

likea bike .

motherto bed every night.

father likesenglish.

4. iin the city.

jie likespicture.

六、 问答句对对碰。

)1. what are peter’s hobbiesa. yes, he does.

)2. what are you doingb. he like ****** kites and dancing.

)3. does john live in sydneyc. no, i don’t.

)4. can i also be his pen pald. i’m doing my homework.

)5. do you like chinese foode . sure.


1. 我有一个新的澳大利亚笔友。

i h**e a newaustralia.

2. john 住在农场。 他喜欢给奶牛读故事。

johna farm. hestories to the cows.

3. 我妈妈喜欢购物。 他经常在周末去购物。

my mothershopping. she oftenshopping on the

4. 我也喜欢游泳。

ilike5. 埃米喜欢远足旅行。

amy八、 看**,补全句子。

likes2.--how does lily go to school? -sheby bike.

3. linglingevery day.

sister likesin the evening.

likes九、 连词成句。

1. he does in live sydney (?

2. are what hobbies mike’s (?

3. likes he word doing puzzle (.

4. stories likes reading he (.

5. doing what you are (?

十、 选词填空补全短文。

hello! i h**e apen palfrom canadaname is mike. he’s 13old.

hein canberra. heswimmingandto music. but helike dancingyou want to bewith him?

十一、 阅读短文,完成**。

hello, i'm mike. i'm from canada. i like diving.

my father likes collecting stamps. my mother likes playing the violin. my good friend, zhang peng likes riding a bike.

we all h**e hobbies.


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