
发布 2020-03-25 07:06:28 阅读 8664


unit 5 dinner’s ready

part a


)1. a. meb. bedc. pencil

)2. a. web. bedroomc. he

)3. a. redb. getc. name

)4. a riceb. letc. like

)5. a. cute b. nosec. she


)1. what'sdinner?

a. inb. ofc. for

)2. whatyou like?

a. areb. doesc. would

)3. i'd likewater.

a. someb. ac. an

)4. here you

a. wouldb. arec. is

)5. we h**ein the evening or afternoon.

a. dinnerb. a penc bedroom


例:a: what would you like?

b: i’d like some beef and rice.

part b


)1. a: mum, can i help you?

b: yes. pass me a __please.

)2. a: give me aplease.

b: here you are.

)3. a: where are the

b: on the table.

)4. a: is this your

b: no, it isn't.

)5. a: i h**e a new

b: me, too!


)1. 妈妈做好晚饭后会说:

)2. 你去饭店吃饭,服务员会问:

)3. 你想告诉别人吃饭不要拘束,你会说:

)4. 你想吃米饭和蔬菜,应该说:

)5. 你想问别人是否要汤,应该说:

a. would you like some soup?

b. dinner is readyc. help yourself.

d. i’d like some rice and vegetables.

e. what would you like?


li li: dinner is ready. your1and fork is here. help 2please.

jack: thanks. can you use chopsticks?

li li: sure. let me show you.

jack: let me 3oh, 4

li li: it’s too difficult(困难的)for you.

jack: mm..yummy. i like 5food. thank you.

part c


mike is a very cool boy. he likes chinese food very likes1.

but he can't use 2mike's friend wu yifan likes 3

he can use the 4and 5now. their teachers miss

white is beautiful. she likes 6and 7she can

use the 8now.


)1. try chopsticks __noodles.

a. inb. toc. for

)2. heretoday’s specials.

a. beb. isc. are

)3yousome bread?

a. would; like b. would; likesc. are; like

)4. i can __chopsticks.

a. useb. to usec. uses

)5. pass __the knife and fork please.

a. myb. mec. i


)1. dinner is readya. it’s in the kitchen.

)2. i’d like some vegetables, pleaseb. i’d like some bread.

)3. what would you like for dinnerc. you are.

)4. where is the dogd. thanks.


br___dm___k3. wa___

4. b___f5. f___


zip: welcome! what would you like for dinner?

zoom: i'd like some fish and soup.

zip: here you are. would you like some beef and chicken?

zoom: i'd like some chicken. i don't like beef. can i h**e some noodles?

zip: sorry. we h**e no noodles now.

the fish is eight yuan, and soup are thirteen yuan, the beef is ten yuan, the chicken is, too. here's the bill (帐单).

)1. zoom likes fish.

)2. zoom likes beef.

)3. the soup is four yuan.

)4. the chicken is ten yuan.

)5. the bill is thirty-three yuan.

part a

答案。一、1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c

二、1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. a

三、1. a: what would you likeb: i’d like some bread and fish.

2. a: what would you likeb: i’d like some juice and chicken.

3. a: what would you likeb: i’d like some soup and noodles.

4. a: what would you likeb: i’d like some vegetables and milk.

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