
发布 2020-03-23 06:23:28 阅读 2970




听力部分 (51分)

一、 listen and circle. 听录音,用“○”圈出你所听到的单词。(8分)

二、listen and tick. 听录音,在**内正确的位置打”√”7分)

三、listen and tick, you can tick more than one. 听录音,勾出正确答案。(16分。提示:有些题目不止一个选项哦)

四、listen and choose.听问句选答句,把答句前的编号填在括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. i often tidy my roomb. yes, i often tidy my room.

) 2. a. yes, i often look after your pets.

b. yes, i always look after my pets.

) 3. a. yes, she often eats out. b. yes, she often eat out.

) 4. a. that’s very kind of you. b. that’s all right.

) 5. a. me toob. i don’t like roller-skating.

五、listen and write. 听录音,在横线上写出你所听到的单词,每空只填一词。(10分)

this is my best friend, mary. she has good habits. she __goes to bed early and __up early.

sheher room. she has a cute cat. she oftenher pet after school.

she doesn’t like __out. but sheeats out. she never __the


一. read and choose. 读句子,选出正确的答案,把答案前的编号填到括号里。(12分)

)1. -do you ever tidy __room?

yes, i often tidy my room.

a. my b. you c. your

)2. -what do you like doing in your spare time?

i like __

a. swim b. swims c. swimming

)3. -does sam ever __the net?

no, he never __the net.

a. surf surf b. surfs surfs c. surf surfs

)4. -does she ever go to bed late?

yes, she sometimes __to bed late.

a. gob. gosc. goes

)5john and bill live in dongguan?

yes, they do.

a. are b. does c. do

6. -does your brother like drawing?

no, he

a. don’t b. does c. doesn’t

二、read and write.请仔细看**,在横线上完成下列对话。 (10 分)

三、read and choose.阅读下面对话,从所给句子中选择正确的补全对话, 每项只用一次。(每句2分,共12分)

lily : we can join new clubs. what do you like doing, sam?

sami usually go to the swimming pool after school.

lily : yesyou can join the sport club.

samwhat about you, lily?

lily: i like playing the piano

sam: so you can join the music club.

lily: what about jenny? i know you like art

jenny: yes, i usually draw pictures when i am free.

lilyjenny: good idea.

四、read and write. 读短文,对的写“t”, 错的写 “f”. 第6小题要把答案填到横线上。(12分)

i h**e a happy family. they are my parents, my brother, my sister and me in my family. we all h**e different habits.

my mum likes cooking. she cooks meals for us every day. my dad likes reading.

he usually reads magazines and news*****s after dinner. but my brother doesn’t like reading. he thinks it’s boring.

he likes drawing and painting. he draws a lot of animals every day. my little sister is quite.

she often does her homework and plays the piano after dinner. she also likes reading books. what about me?

i like sports. i play a lot of sport every week. i like football and badminton.

i can play basketball very well.

) 1. there are 4 people in my family.

) 2. we often eat out.

) 3. my mum always cooks for us.

) 4. my father and my sister like reading.

) 5. i am active and i can play football very well.

6. my sister likes

附加题:writing. 请用英语介绍你最好的朋友,谈谈他的爱好和习惯,要求不少于5句话,有逻辑。(10分)

my best friend


小金县美兴小学2015 2016学年小学四年级下第二单元数学测试题a 120分钟完卷 一 请分别在括号里注明下面四张 是从房子的哪一面拍的。8分 2 看一看。5分 1 一次最多能看见长方体的 个面。2 从面看到的图形是 从 面看到的图形是从 面看到的图形是 从 面看到的图形是 3 选择正确答案,把序...


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