
发布 2020-03-21 06:24:28 阅读 4484





)1. a basketballb. china

)2. a. capb. cook

)3. a. paintb. busy

)4. a. sunb. lake

)5. a. danceb. eat

)6. a. feetb. between

)7. a. readb. play

)8. a. boatb. winter

)9. a. newb. skip

)10. a. drinkb. sleep


)peter is writing.

)can you write in english?

)spring is warm and nice

)where’s my new cap?

)i can see mountains.


)1. i can see a cake and boat.

)2. what’s mike doing? mike is running.

)3. dong dong can write in english.

)4. i’m from changsha. i like summer.

)5. anne is swimming.


. 写出下列字母的小写或大写(10分)

1 r2 q 3 j 4 b 5 e


they are playing football.

the cat is playing.

. 看图,勾出与句子相符的正确选择(15分)

under behind

1.where’s the boy?

he isthe tree.

running skipping

2.what’s anne doing?

she’sriver boat

3.what can you see in the picture?

i can see a

cold hot

4.it’sin winter.

draw dance

5.she can



)1. 当你想知道书本放在**时,你问:

a. where is my book?

b. where are you from?

)2. 当你想问天气怎么样时,你问:

a. what’s the date?

b. what’s the weather like?

)3. 当你想问他们正在做什么时,你问:

a. what are these?

b. what are they doing?

)4. 当你想说妈妈正在厨房做饭时。

a. mother is cooking in the kitchen.

b. mother is happy.

)5. 当你想问你能给我写封信吗?你会问:

a. can you write in english?

b. can you write a letter for me?


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