
发布 2020-05-31 07:56:28 阅读 3599






)1. a. playground b. garden c. great d. good

)2. a. english b. music c. math d. pe

)3. a. dinner b. dog c. bird d. dad

)4. a. cool b. cold c. computer d. cloudy

) floor b. forty c. first d. fly

) 6. a. it’s time for english class. b. it’s time to go home.

) 7. a. let’s go to the playground. b. let’s h**e some chicken.

) 8. a. it’s ten o’clockb. ir’s seven o’clock.

) 9. a. can i go ousideb. can i h**e some soup?

) 10 a. it's on the first floorb. it's on the second floor.


a baba b

a ba b

三)、根据录音内容,给下列**排序,将数字写在**下的括号内。 (5分)


1. beijing 2. shanghai 3. hong kong 4. harbin 5. lhasa

a. b. c. d. e.


( )1. a. it's on the second floor. b. it's on the floor.

) 2. a: yes, it’sb: no, it’s not.

( )3. a. yes, we do. b. we h**e a library.

) 4. a. that is our class. b. forty-five.

) 5. a. it’s 7o’clock b. it’s time for english class.


1. it’s time to

2. it’sin beijing today.

3. it’s time for

4. do you h**e an __room?

5. today it’s hot andin sydney.



( )1. a. water b. dinnerc. car

) 2. a. ballb. girlc. wall

) 3. a. farm b. birdc. card

) 4. a. computer b. farc. sister

) 5. a. nurse b. numberc. hamburger


c d f_ _st lun_ _eng sh gar n



) libiary b. teachers’ offfice c. music room class

) lunch b. dinner c. cake d. breakfast

) 4. a .music b. english c. pe d .class

) 5. b. hot


)1、__this a library?

a: is b: is c: are

)2、our classroom is __the second floor.

a: in b: on c: near

)3、it’s 3:00. it’s time __pe class.

a: on b: to c: for

)4, is that the comeputer room?

a, no, it is b, yes, it is c, yes, it’s not.

) time is it六点)

a, it’s six o’clock. b, it’s ten o’clock. c, it’s nine o’clock


a, what is it? b, what time is it? c, what’s the weather like in beijing ?

)7. can i h**e some soup?

a: yes, you can b: yes, i can’t c: yes, he can

)8、it’s time get up.

a: to b: for c: on

)9、go to the . water the flowers.

a: garden b: canteen c: washroom


a: this way, please. b: come here, please.


1. room computer the that is (

2. class time music it’s for (

3. time what it is (

in like weather beijing the (

5. it’s new york in sunny (


) 1. is it colda. yes, we do.

) 2. can i go outside nowb. it’s on the first floor.

) 3. what time is itc. it’s 6 o’clock.


张桂英希望小学2010 2011学年第二学期。四年级数学期中检测试卷。一 智力拼盘 22分,每空1分。1 20.085它的小数点右边第二位是 位,计数单位是 它的小数点左右两边的零各在 位和 位,它们的计数单位分别是 和 它们之间的进率是 2 在125 25 4中,先算 法,再算 3 由8个 个0....


2011 2012学年度第二学期期中检测。四年级语文测试卷。一 基础知识 60 1 看拼音,写词语。14分 zh n d ng ji ti zh ng peng xi ng m ng g o li ng c n l n f z 2 用 标出下列加点字的正确读音。4分 倔强 ji ng qi ng 调...


四年级 下 数学期中检测试卷。班级姓名得分。一 看清题目,巧思妙算 共26分 1 直接写出得数 8分 2 用竖式计算。12分 3 用递等式计算下面各题。6分 二 认真思考,对号入座。24分 1 数位顺序表中从右边数起,亿位在第 位,一亿里面有10个 和万相邻的两个计数单位分别是 和 2 一个多位数是...