
发布 2020-03-17 21:42:28 阅读 5490


nurse(**)doctor(医生) cook(厨师) farm(农场)farmer(农民)worker(工人)

driver(司机)police+man=policenman(男警察) want to be…(想成为…) aunt(阿姨)

pig(猪) horse(马) cow(奶牛) sheep(绵羊—单复数形式相同) duck(鸭子)

hen(母鸡) any(任何)many(许多)—常和名词的复数搭配。really(真正地)

breakfast(早餐)lunch(午餐) dinner(晚餐)rice(米饭)soup(汤)meat(肉)chicken(鸡肉)

noodles(面条—复数形式) dumplings(饺子)for(就。而言)we(我们—i的复数形式)


ready(准备好的)very little(很少)when(什么时候—表时间的特殊疑问词) at(在)

class(课程、班级)get up(起床) h**e a class(上课) h**e lunch(吃午饭)play(玩)

game(游戏)watch tv(看电视)bed(床) go to bed(**睡觉) early(早的)反义词late(迟的)

二、短语。what about you?(你呢?) want to be…(想成为…)get up (起床)反义词go to bed(**睡觉)

h**e lunch( 吃午饭) watch tv(看电视)play games(玩游戏) h**e a class(上课)

go to school (去学校) go home(回家) at school(在学校) at night (在晚上) on the farm (在农场)

in the morning(在早上) in the afternoon(在下午) in the evening(在傍晚)


it’s=it is i’m= i am isn’t=is not what’s=what is aren’t= are not don’t=do not doesn’t=does not

this反义词that early反义词late yes反义词no these反义词those


do—does h**e---has go---goes


1、 what is +具体的人?(问某个人的职业)如:what’s your father?

(你爸爸是干什么的?) 也可以说what’s he/she?(/是或者的意思)。

回答时根据人称所对应的代词+系动词+职业。如:what’s his grandpa?

(his grandpa表示男性)he is a driver.

2、 who is that man? 由who引导的特殊疑问句是问某个人是谁?回答时根据提问时的性别选择代词+系动词+称谓。

结构为who +系动词+某个人?回答:he/she is+形容词性的物主代词+称谓。

当问的人多时,系动词用复数,后面对应的代词也用复数。如:who are they?

they are my father and mother.

3、 系动词开头的一般疑问句。

is she/he your sister? yes , she/he is.(肯定回答)no, she/he isn’t.(否定回答)

are you a teacher? yes, i am. (肯定回答) no, i’m not. (否定回答)

are you teachers? yes, we are. (肯定回答) no, we aren’t. (否定回)

are they your parents? yes, they are (肯定回答) no, they aren’t. (否定回答)


do you h**e dumplings for dinner? 你晚餐吃饺子吗?yes, we do. (肯定) no, we don’t.(否定)

does she h**e chicken for lunch? 你午餐吃鸡肉吗yes, she does. (肯定) no,she doesn’t.(否定)

5、want to be 造句。

i want to be a teacher/policeman/driver/doctor.

6、what do they h**e on they farm? they h**e pigs, ducks and many animals.

what does colin h**e in his box? he has cars, planes and ships.


7、 there be结构 be为am、 is 、are


例如:there is a book on the desk. there are twenty-one students in our class.

8、 what’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?早餐/午餐/晚餐吃什么?一日三餐前面用介词for

we h**e eggs, bread and milk for breakfast.我们早餐吃鸡蛋,面包和牛奶。

9、when do you h**e classes? 你什么时候上课?

i h**e classes at eight in the morning.我们在早上八点上课。

when does she go to bed?她什么时候**睡觉?she goes to bed at ten.她十点睡觉。






短语。unit 1 i like dogs.1.看 look at 2.喜欢狗 like dogs 3.想要 would like 4.喜欢那只熊猫 like that panda 5.这些玩具动物 these toy animals 6.喜欢蛋糕 like cakes 7.小猴子 little m...


unit 1 6 1.椅子2.摸3.小鸡4.尝5.酸的6.听见7.饥饿的8.同学9.口渴的10.课程11.等一下12.科学13.葡萄14.语文15.甜16.数学17.下落18.英语19.影子20.21.长22.绘画23.升起24.学生25.短的26.岩石27.钻石28.钟29.想的30.俱乐部31....


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