
发布 2020-03-17 21:24:28 阅读 6211





classroom窗户 window窗户 blackboard黑板 light电灯 picture图画。

door门 teacher’s desk讲台 computer计算机 fan 风扇 wall墙壁 floor地板 help帮助 clean打扫 really真的。


schoolbag书包 maths book数学书 english英语书 chinese语文书 storybook故事书 candy糖果 notebook笔记本 toy玩具 key钥匙 cute可爱的。


strong强壮的 friendly友好的 quiet安静的 hair头发 shoe鞋 glasses眼镜 hat帽子 right对的。


bedroom卧室 living客厅 study书房 kitchen厨房 bathroom洗手间 bed床 phone** table桌子 sofa长沙发 fridge冰箱


beef 牛肉 chicken鸡肉 noodles面条 soup汤 vegetable蔬菜 chopsticks筷子 bowl碗 fork叉子 knife刀 dinner正餐 help yourself自己取用。


parents父母 cousin堂表兄妹 uncle叔叔,舅舅aunt姑妈,阿姨 baby brother小弟弟 doctor医生 cook厨师 farmer农民 nurse** puppy小狗 football player足球运动员 job工作 basketball篮球。


目标语。1. —what’s in the classroom?教室里有什么?

one blackboard,one tv,many desks and chairs…一块黑板,一台电视,许多凳子和椅子。

2. —what’s in your schoolbag?

an english book,a maths book and three storybooks.一本英语书,一本数学书和三本故事书。

3. —what’s in it?里面有什么?

an english book,two toys and a notebook.一本英语书,两个玩具和一个笔记本。

4. —where is it?它在哪儿?

it’s near the window.它在窗户旁边。

5. —where are the keys?钥匙在哪儿?

they are in the door.它们在门上。

6. —what colour is it?什么颜色?

it’s black and white.黑白相间。

7. —what’s his/her name?他(她)叫什么名字?

his/her name is ….

8. —who is he/she?他(她)是谁?

he is…

how many people are there in your family?

my family has six people.

what’s your aunt’s job?

she’s a nurse.

9. —is he/she…?他/她是…?

yes,she/he isn’t.

10. —is she/he in the living room?她(他)在客厅吗?

yes,she/he isn’t.

11. —are they on the table?他们在桌子上吗?

yes,they aren’t.

12. —let me clean the teacher’s desk.让我擦讲桌。

let’s clean the classroom!让我打扫教室。

13. —what would you like(for dinner)?你想吃什么?

i’d like some soup and bread,please.我想要一些汤和面包。

14. —would you like a knife and fork?你想要刀叉吗?


would you like some beef?你想要一些牛肉吗?

yes,please. /no,thanks.

15. —how many people are there in your family?你们家有几口人?

my family has five people.

who are they?他们是谁?

my dad,my mum,my sister,my baby,brother and me?


is this your uncle?这是你的叔叔吗?

yes,it is./ no,it isn’t.



how can i get to zhongshan park?我怎样去中山公园?

you can go by the no.15 bus.你可以乘坐15路公交车。

how do you go to school?你怎么去上学的?

i usually go to school on foot.我经常走路去学校。

where is the cinema,please?电影院在哪儿?

it’s next to the hospital.在医院旁边。

—can i go on foot? 可以走路去吗?—sure,if you like.当然只要你愿意。

is it far from here? 离这里远吗?—no,it’s not far.不,一点都不远。

excuse me,is there a cinema near here?打扰一下,这儿附近有电影院吗?

—yes,there is.是的,有。


start from the bus stop in front of our school.从我们学校前的站台上车。

take the no.17bus.搭乘17路车。

get off at the post office.在邮局下车。

walk east for three minutes.往东走三分钟。

find the white building on the left.右边可以找到一栋白房子。

look for me near the door.我就在门口。

turn left at the cinema,then go straight.在电影院门口向左拐,然后往前走。

it’s on the left.它在左边。

it’s east of the cinema.它在电影院东边。


what are you going to do on the weekend?你打算周末干什么?

i’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend….我打算周末去拜访祖父母。

—where are you going this afternoon?你打算下午去哪儿?

i’m going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。

—what are you going to buy?你打算去买什么?

i am going to buy a comic book.我打算去买漫画书。

when are you going?你准备什么时候去?

i am going at 3 o’clock.我打算三点钟去。

how do you get there?你怎么去那儿?

i get there by bus.我乘公交车去。


what’s your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

i like collecting stamps.我喜欢集邮。

what is your mother’s hobby?你妈妈的爱好是什么?

she likes singsing.她喜欢唱歌。

what is your father’s hobby?你爸爸的爱好是什么?

he likes listening to music.他喜欢听**。

what is your friend’s hobby?你朋友的爱好是什么?

she/he likes playing chess.她/他喜欢下棋。

she/he likes working with numbers.她/他喜欢跟数字打交道。

she/he likes helping people.她/他喜欢帮助别人。

there is a stamp(kite/bike/book/painting/music/dance/…)show on sunday.


can he go with us?他能跟我们一起去吗?

can you(me) go with me(you)?你(我)能跟我(你)一起去吗?

let’s go together.让我们一起去吧。


what do you do?你的职业是什么?

i am a teacher.我是一个老师。

what does your mother do?你妈妈的职业是什么?

she is a housewife.她是一个家庭主妇。

what does your father do?你爸爸的职业是什么?

he is a shopkeeper.他是店老板。

he sells shoes.他卖鞋。

where does she work?她在哪儿上班?

she works in a school.她在学校上班。

how does she go to work?她怎么去上班。

she goes to work by bus.她乘公交车上班。


短语。unit 1 i like dogs.1.看 look at 2.喜欢狗 like dogs 3.想要 would like 4.喜欢那只熊猫 like that panda 5.这些玩具动物 these toy animals 6.喜欢蛋糕 like cakes 7.小猴子 little m...


unit 1 6 1.椅子2.摸3.小鸡4.尝5.酸的6.听见7.饥饿的8.同学9.口渴的10.课程11.等一下12.科学13.葡萄14.语文15.甜16.数学17.下落18.英语19.影子20.21.长22.绘画23.升起24.学生25.短的26.岩石27.钻石28.钟29.想的30.俱乐部31....


四年级英语复习资料。numbers数字 1one,2two,3three,4four,5five,6six,7seven,8eight,9nine,10ten,11eleven,12twelve,13thirteen14fourteen,15fifteen,16sixteen,17seventeen...