
发布 2020-03-08 15:06:28 阅读 4513

unit 1练习。

班级姓名 __


mouth monkey school classroom eraser waterbottle hand


) f___cea. e b. a c. i

) moua. th b. ce c. sh

)storyba. all b. ook c. ag

)erasea. k b. r c. h

)a___ma. r b. b c. e


) 1. 新学期开学第一天,你遇到你的同学刘明,应该这样说。

a. my name's liu ming. b. nice to see you again ,liu ming .

) 2. 你想和高伟一起去上学,你会说:__

a. gao wei, glad to meet you . b. gao wei, let's go to school .

) 3. 李华有一辆小汽车,他这样告诉大家:

a. i h**e a car. b. li hua has a car .

) 4. 当你的同学让你看到他受伤的腿时,你会说:__

a. i’m fine . b. oh ,i’m sorry .

四: 根据答句写问句。

i usually go to bed at 9:50

no, they read books every day.

yes, i play computer in the evening.

no, i h**e breakfast at 7:20.

i do homework at school.

i go to school at 7:45 in the morning.

no, i don’t like monday.

i usually play the piano on the weekend.

五: 补全对话。

sarahon the weekend?

mike: at 8:00. what about you?

sarah: i usually get up at 7:30.

mikeon the weekend?

sarah: i often do my homework and watch tv

mike: i often read books and play computer gamesi go hiking. let’s go hiking together next sunday.


)1: _do you usually go to school?

a: what b: where c: when

( )2: what sports do you like

a: breakfast b: football c: my parents

( )3: look! many boys like playingafter class.

a: a basketball b: the basketball c: basketball

( )4: look! the girl is playing

a: a piano b: the piano c: piano

( )5: students like playing

a: sports b: the sport c: a sport


1. ado you get up? b7:00.

2. ayour f**ouriteb: i like apple.

3. a: what do you dothe evening?


2. ado you play the piano?

b: i play the piano7:00___the evening.

3. athe dishes together. b: great.

4. ayou helpful at home? b: yes, i can___the table.

5. athere a riverb: yes, there___many fish in it..

十一:read and choose 补全对话。

a. what time is it? b.

what day is it today? c. when do you play ping-pong.

d. what do you do on saturday? e.

yes, i like. f. yes, i do.

g. yes, i can.

a: hellob: it’s saturday.

ab: i often play ping-pong.

ab: i play ping-pong at 4:00.

a: can you play footballb

a: do you like saturdayb

十二:read and choose 阅读短文,判断句子的正误。

i am a doctor. i work at night. i go to work at 6:

30 in the evening. i eat dinner at 10:00.

i usually go home at 8:00 in the morning. after breakfast, i go to bed at 9:

00. i usually get up at 2:30 in the afternoon.

i eat my lunch at 3:00. then i play sports at 4:

00 in the afternoon. this is my day. i enjoy my life.

)1. i’m a nurse2. i go to work at 6:30

)3. after lunch, i go to bed at 9:004. i usuallly get up at 2:30 i eat dinner at 4:00

十三: 请用5句话写一写你平时几点钟起床,几点钟上学,几点钟吃午餐,几点钟放学回家,几点钟做作业。


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