
发布 2020-03-06 22:53:28 阅读 7738


一. 选择合适的字母组合补充单词。(10分)

) ura. a, l b. l, o c. e, n

) ya. u, r b. k, e c. e, r

) ra. e, n b. g , e c. i, n

)4. _ort,h b. w , o c. h, w

) la. a ,l b. i , r c. u , r


)1.__your f**ourite song ?

a. what b. what's c. what are

) elephant.

a. a b. an

)3. _name is lulu?

a. my b. me c. my

)4. theypandas.

a. am c. are

) are tall.

a. men b. man c. mans


) monkey is thin.

a.猴子是瘦的。 b. 猴子是矮的。

)2. what's your f**ourite colour?

a. 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?

b. 你最喜欢的颜色是什么。

)3. _what are they?..they are tigers.

a.它是谁? b. 它们是什么? 它们是老虎。

) is a lion.

a. 这是一只狮子 b. 这是一只熊。

)5. it's my f**ourite panda.

a. 它是我最喜欢的熊猫。 b.熊猫最喜欢我。

) man is tall.

a.这个男人很高。 b.那个男人很高。

)7. 那个男人又高又瘦。

man is tall and thin.

man is tall and fat.


is fat. is fat.

) is a baby monkey.

a.这是一只猴宝宝。 b.猴宝宝在这儿。


a. elephants are my f**ourite animals

b. elephants are her f**ourite animals.


) you area.什么颜色?

) colourb它是一只老虎。

) a tigerc这个男人是矮的。

) are theyd它们是什么?

) man is short. e 给你。


f**ourite colour is yellow.


monkey is small.

4. what is his f**orite animal?

colur are your pencils?


)1. what 's your namea .they are cats.

)2. what's your f**ourite colour? name is tom.

)3. what's your f**ourite

) are theyd. the abc song.

) thise .it's a tiger.


l: hello ! what 's your name?

t: 1l:my name is lili.

t:2l:my f**orite animal is dogs. and you ?

t: 3l: my f**ourite colour is red. 4

t: 5a. my f**ourite colour is yellow.

b. what's your f**ourite animal?

c. my name is you ?

d. my f**orite animal is birds.

e. what's your f**ourite colour?


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