
发布 2020-03-04 05:57:28 阅读 6324



a. b. c. d. e.

)ant ( teacher ( dog ( coffee ( boy


)a.boy b.girl c.teacher d.milk

)a.blue b.student c.brown d.green

)a.seven b.nine c.see d.eight

)a.pencil b.apple c.ruler d.eraser

)a.duck b.bird c.panda d.egg


)1.h**e __apple,please.

a. a b. an

)2.i am __america.

a. from b. to

)3.guess! boy __girl?

a. and b. or

)4.we __a new friend today.

a. h**e b. has

)5. good morning, _and girls.

a. boys b. boy

)6.__back to school.

a. welcome b. welcome

)7.i'm amy. i'm a __

a. girl b. boy

)8.how many __

a. ducks b. duck

)9.come and follow __

a. me b. i

)10.happy women's day! miss white. _

a. happy women's day! b. thank you.


___oy(男孩) _uck(鸭子) _nt(蚂蚁) _gg(蛋) _oke(可乐)


)1.hi, mr. black. this is my new friend, mike.

)2.nice to meet you, too.

)3.i am from canada.

)4.nice to meet you.

)5.where are you from?


girl: hello! i'm amy, what's your name?

boy: my name is mike. i'm from canada. where are you from?

girl: i'm from america. nice to meet you!

boy: nice to meet you, too!

)1.amy is a boy.

)2.amy is from china.

)3.mike is a girl.

)4.mike is from canada.



一、 找出不同、类的那个单词选项,将其序号写在括号内。(15分)

)1. a. teacher b. student c. friend

)2. a. apple b. boy c. girl

)3. a. duck b. elephant c. egg

)4. a. coke b. coffee c. cat

)5. a. miss b. america c. mr


)1、当你迟到了,应该说: a、 come in. b、 i’m sorry. c、it’s ok.

)2、第一次与别人见面时,可说: a、how old are you? b、i’m sorry. c、nice to meet you.

)3、如何介绍你的朋友: a、my name’s chen jie. b、 i’m from america.

c、this is my friend,amy.

)4、当班上来了新同学,你要表示欢迎时,该说: a、welcome. b、what’s your name? c、goodbye.

)5、别人跟你说“nice to meet you.”你应该回答:

a、hello! b、nice to meet you. c、nice to meet you,too.


a、good afternoon. b、come in. c、watch out!


a、i’m from china. b、i’m from america c、i’m from canada.

)8、别人跟你说“i'm sorry.”你应该回答:

a. come in. b. oh, no. c. it's ok.


a. good morning. b. good afternoon. evening.


a. happy women’s day! b. happy teachers’day!c. happy birthday!

( )11. 别人跟你说“i'm sorry.”你应该回答:

a. come in. b. oh, no. c. it's ok.

)12. 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:

a. i'm china. b. i'm from china. c. my name is china.

)13. 你想提醒对方当心,应该说:

a. look at me. b. watch out. c. thank you.

)14. 你想知道对方是**人,你可以问:

a. how are you? b. what's your name? c. where are you from?

)15. 你想跟对方借东西来看一下,应该说:

a. may i h**e a look? b. h**e some chicken. c. can i h**e some chicken?


1. we h**e a new friend todaya. 小心,留神。

2. watch outb. 欢迎返回学校。

3. welcome back to schoolc.你来自哪儿?

4. nice to see you againd. 今天,我们有一个新朋友。

四、 读句子,排一排。(10分)

) nice to meet you.

) good morning, sarah. this is my friend, amy.

) i’m from america.

) good morning, mike.

) where are you from?

五、 选择正确的答案完成对话,将其编号写在括号里。(15分)

)1.--where are you from

a. i’m from china. b. i’m mike. c. thank you.

)2. -good afternoon.()

a. good morning. b. good afternoon. c. goodbye.

)3. -can i h**e some chicken

a. sure. here you are. b. here it is. c. hi!

)4. -nice to meet you

a. my name is jack. b. nice to meet you, too. c. see you.

)5. -how are you

a. nice to meet you. b. i’m fine, thanks. c. hello, john.


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