
发布 2020-03-03 04:50:28 阅读 7970



听力部分(共三大题 30分)

一. 听录音,用数字给下面**标号。(10分)

二. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号写在题前括号里。(10分)

) 1. a. bookb. lookc. took

) 2. a. flyb. tryc. cry

) 3. a. testb. taxic. tall

) 4. a. wantb. quietc. water

) 5. a. helpb. highc. hard


) let’s feed the ducks.

) here it is.

) where is the bread?

) the ducks are coming now. they’re naughty.

) look at those ducks over there!

笔试部分(共七大题 70分)


) 1you want noodles? yes, i do.

a. isb. doc. are

) 2. let’s make a cakemum and dad ! yes. good idea.

a. forb. toc. in

) 3can you see? i can see a bird.

a. whereb. what c. when

( )4. oh, no! amy is playingpiano.

a. ab. anc. the

) 5. what are those? they are

a. flower b. flowers c. a flower

二。 用所给的单词完成句子,将序号填在前面括号内。(10分)

)1. chopsticks are __for chinese .

)2. can you __this english song ? yes, i can.

)3. there are many __at the zoo.

)4. you can go to the __for some biscits.

)5. daming has got a __and fork in england. it’s easy for daming.

三.根据问句, 将合适答语的序号写在题前括号里。(10分)

) 1. what are you eatinga. they’re dragon boats.

) 2. can i fly a kiteb. yes, it is.

) 3. what’s he doingc. yes, you can.

) 4. what are thosed. i’m eating grass.

) 5. is this sam’s doge. he’s feeding a duck .

四.用 be 动词填空。(10分)

1. i __singing the song.

2. sam __eating noodles.

3. we __good friends.

4. they __watching tv.

5. grandpa __cooking.





1. chips / eating / and / hamburgers / i’m (

i’m2. is / book / sam’s / this (

this3. jump / can/ i / far (

i4. can/what /see /you (?

what5. 1. run / i / fast / can (


1. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确句前写t,错误句前写f。

amy is ill. she is in bed. she can’t go out.

she can’t h**e an ice cream. but she can watch tv. she can h**e a drink.

) 1. amy is ill.

) 2. she can go out.

) 3. she can h**e an ice cream.

) 4. she can watch tv.

) 5. she can’t h**e a drink.

2. 阅读短文,选择填空。将正确答案的序号写在题前括号里。

this is tina’s family. tina is doing homework. her mother is writing a letter.

her father is ****** a ***** plane. her grandma is watching tv. her grandpa is listening to music.

the dog is running after a cat.

) 1. tina is

a. doing homework b. sleeping

) 2. tina’s mother is

a. singing a song b. writing a letter

) 3. tina’s father is

a. ****** a ***** plane b. working

) 4. tina’sis watching tv.

a. grandpab. grandma

) 5. the dog is

a. runningb. walking


仿写:this is daming. he has got a new football.

1. this is sam. he___a new toy.

2qiqi. she has got new shoes.

has he got a headache? yes, he has.

3. _you __a test today? no. i __


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