
发布 2020-03-03 04:41:28 阅读 8872



)1. a. boy b. mother c. sister d. orange

)2.a.nice b.great d.funny

)3.a.grape b.banana c.peach d.red

)4.a.taxi b.plane c.bike d.carry

)5.a.sixteen b.tall c.nine d.eleven


new small hungry short woman

1. your hat is old. my hat is .

2. the cat is full. but the monkey is

3. this jacket is too big. that one is too

4. the man is my father. the is my mother.

5. the giraffe is tall. but the deer is


1. happy women's daya. sure!

2. good afternoon, classb. yes, i do.

3. let's goc. she's my sister.

4. can i use your rulerd. good afternoon, miss li.

5. do you like dogse. thank you!

6. who is that girlf. ok,let’s go .


a. yes, i do.

b. thank you.

c. do you like hamburgers?

d. here is a hamburger for you.

e. you're welcome.




a. my name is mike.

b. nice to meet you.

c. this is mike, he is my friend.


a. do you h**e some dogs?

b. do you like hot dogs?

c. eat some hot dogs!


a. who are you?

b. are you a student?

c. where are you from?


a. thank you very much.

b. can you show me the way(路) ?

c. excuse me.


a. you're right.

b. guess! how many knives?

c. how many knives do you h**e?


where meet how many am

jim: nice to you.

han xiao: nice to meet you.

jim: are you from?

han xiao: i from china.

jimbooks do you h**e?

han xiao: i h**e 9 books.

jim: great !



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