
发布 2020-03-03 04:24:28 阅读 4356


学校班级: 姓名: 得分:

一、写出所给字母的邻居,包括大小写。 (每空0.5分,共7分)

1 __ff___2. _gg __3. _kk___4. _oo

5. _mm __6. _vv___7 __hh


1. p__ncil2. m__use3. eleph__nt (


三。 读下列单词,找出不同类的一项,用圆圈圈起来。(10分)

)1.a.ruler b.school c.sharpener

)2.a.ear b.hand c.brown

)3.a.yellow b.white c.leg

)4.a.eraser b.foot c.arm

)5.a.green b.crayon c.pencil

四、单项选择 (30分)

)1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: _

a.good morning. b.how are you? c.happy teachers' day!

)2.当你把你爸爸介绍给miss wu时,你应说: _

a. this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad. c.he is my dad.

)3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:__

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome!


a. how old are you? b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you!

)5. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:__

a. how are you? b. how old are you? c. very well, thanks.


a. hello! b. goodbye! c. good evening!

)6. 当你想和同学一起上学时,你应该这样说:

a. look at me! b. let's play! c. let's go to school!

)7. 有客人到学校参观,你要表示欢迎,应该说:

a. welcome! b. helloc. wow!

( )8. pass me the pen, please b: _

a. it’s a pen b. here you are c. thank you

( )9. a: do you like milk? b

a. no, i do. b. yes, i do. c. yes, you do.

( )10are you ? fine, thanks.

a. what b. how c. where

( )is __sweater. it’s yellow.

a. ling ling b . ling ling’s c. ling lings

)12. my___sarah..

a. name b. name’s c. names

( )13. a: how __are you? b: i’m ten.

a. old b. many c. about

( )14. this __my friend, wu yifan.

a. is b. arec. am

( )15. stamp your __

a. foot b. armsc. body


to am is are here may for at

1、 i h**e a look?

2、look the pig.

3、nice meet you.

4、this zip.

5、i john.

6、 you are.

7、how you.

8、this is you.


ab ) morninga. thank you.

) your nameb. me, too.

) youc. sure ,here you are .

) birthdayd. good morning.

) to meet youe. nice to meet you, too.

) old are youf. bye .

) your noseg. ok.

) like hot dogh. nine .

) go to schooli. my name’ s john.

) i h**e chickenj. here it is .


( )you're welcome.

) ok. here you are.

) h**e some juice!

) thank you.

) no, thanks. i like coke.


i h**e a pen. it’s red. it’s in my has a rubber.

it’s new. it’s yellow. it’s in his bag.

pen is red

rubber is green.(

3. tom’s rubber is new. (

pen is in my bag.(

二)john has a parrot. it’s a nice bird. every day john says to it “hello!

i can see you!” one day john is at school. a thief comes into john’s room he wants to steal something.

a voice comes, “hello, i can see you!” the thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.

) is a policeman.

) has some birds.

) thief wants to take something away from the room.

) bird can say some chinese.

) thief sees john and goes away.


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宋河学校11年春三年级英语期中评估试卷。一 将下列单词的正确中文的序号填到题前括号内16分姓。名。鱼 放 风筝 二翻译。相信你是最棒的。50分。班。级 考号。oni.10 thatj.他家庭鼓励用语那那个鹅。手表滑稽可笑的大的冰跳打开锁夜晚。钥匙。1.父亲 2姐妹 3.母亲 4.外 祖母5.兄弟 6...