
发布 2020-03-03 04:23:28 阅读 7048


部门: 南联教员: 李秀春 _ 授课日期: 10月6-7日 __

学生年级: 三年级 _ 层次:80-90 分以上 _ 授课时间段: c



上课类型:复习课, ,


this is the city centre. there’s a post office. it’s in dalian street.

there’s a restaurant. it’s in market street. is there a bookshop?

yes, there is. it’s in yunnan street. where’s the supermarket?

it’s in yunnan street, too. i like the city centre.

)1. this is the city centre.

)2. there’s a cinema in yunnan street.

) supermarket is in yunnan street.

)4. the post office is in dalian street.

)5. i don’t like the city centre.


1. restaurant2. yunnan street

centre4. places near home




1. where __you? (is, are, do)

2. where __the cinema? (is, are, am)

can go to theand h**e a lunch. (cinema, bookshop, restaurant)

4. is there a schoolyes, there is. yes, it is. no, it isn’t.)

5. where __you live? (is, are, do)



a. where do the clinic? b. where’s the clinic? c. where are the clinic?


a. the cinema is in geoge street. b. the cinema is in qiaozhi dajie.

c. the cinema is in geoge dajie.


to the bookshop and buy a pencil, please.

b. go to the bookshop and buy a pen, please.

c. go to the shop and buy a pencil, please.

)4. 如果你没有钱,你可以说:

a. i not h**e money. b. i h**e not money. c. i h**e no money.

)5. 如果你想问这里有一个饭店吗?你可以问:

a restaurant. b. is there a restaurant? c. there are a restaurant.


1. restaurant, the, where’s

2. there, a, cinema, is

3. dalian, street, in, it’s

4. to, welcome, city centre

5.some, buy, please, stamps



上课类型: 复习课, ,


my name is mary. one day, my mother gives me 10 yuan. i want to go to the bookshop to buy a book.

i ask my mother: “where’s the bookshop?” my mother tells me:

“it’s in zhongshan street.” when i see a cake shop, i go to buy some cakes. when i go to the bookshop, i h**e no money.

) mother gives her 5yuan.

)2. mary wants to go to the cake shop.

)3. the bookshop is in zhongshan street.

)4. mary buys a book in the bookshop.

)5. mary has no money to buy a book.


restaurant b. clinic c. bookshop d. _

2. a. east b. west c. south d. _

3. a. black b. orange c. pink d. _

4. a. with b. on c. ind. _

5 a. street b. block c. estate d. _



) city centre.

a. to b. at c. in

) 2. the restaurant is __market street.

a. to b. at c. in

) 3. theresome stamps.

a. is b. are c. h**e

) 4. _the cinema? it’s in yuannan street.

a. where’s b. what’s c. who’s

) do you live?i live __forty pear street.


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