
发布 2020-03-03 04:17:28 阅读 3867




(16分)三、给下列句子找出合适的答句,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(18分))1、 who's that woman?

)2、 who's that man?

)3、 is she your sister?

)4、 what's that ?

)5、 how many cats can you see?

)6、 where are you from?

a. i can see 12 cats .

b. it's a goose.

c. no, she's my friend.

d. she's my mother.

e. i'm from china.

f. he's my father.


a. i'm sorry b. okc. it's ok.


a. look at b. watch out c. oh, yes.


a. what a big kite!

b. what a small kite!

c. a kite!


a. happy teacher's day!

b. happy women's day!

c. happy new year!


a. how nice!

b. how beautiful.

c. how funny!


a. i'm from america.

b. welcome back to school.

c. this is my new friend.


a. h**e some tea.

b. h**e some chicken.

c. h**e some bread.


a. i'm sorry.

b. i'm mike.

c. it's ok.


a. i'm amy.

b. where's amy?

c. this is my new friend, amy.

)10、tom 帮你找到了尺子,你应该对他说:

a. where is my ruler, tom?

b. thank you, tom.

c. here you are, tom.


1、 mike , i'm.

2、is a dog, this.

3、 your, what's ,name?

4、do, how many, you, h**e, crayons?


三年级英语第十二讲天骄学校。一 知识点讲解 1.如何表达自己想要某些食品 i d like some.i d like 食品 juice bread rice.i d i would like some是一些的意思,后面接可数名词复数或不可数名词。2.如何表达给你 here you are.3.邀请...


第二课时。一 教学内容。unit 1look at my family tree work with language二 教学目标 一 语言知识目标。1.巩固各个家庭成员的称谓 grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,学习新词cousin。2...


宋河学校11年春三年级英语期中评估试卷。一 将下列单词的正确中文的序号填到题前括号内16分姓。名。鱼 放 风筝 二翻译。相信你是最棒的。50分。班。级 考号。oni.10 thatj.他家庭鼓励用语那那个鹅。手表滑稽可笑的大的冰跳打开锁夜晚。钥匙。1.父亲 2姐妹 3.母亲 4.外 祖母5.兄弟 6...