
发布 2020-03-01 07:07:28 阅读 7441


1、strauss __in vienna.


born from

2、vienna is a beautiful city __the river danube.维也纳是多瑙河畔的一座美丽的城市。

a. in

3、strauss was __and vienna is the capital of施特劳斯是奥地利人,维也纳是奥地利的首都。

4、you like pop music你喜欢流行**不是吗?

you 't you you?

5、lingling isn't a teacher玲玲不是一个老师,是吗?

t she she 't lingling

6、they h**e stayed here for two years他们已经在这里待了两年,不是吗?

they 't they 't they

7、lu xun's book made___famous all over the world.鲁迅的书使他闻名于全世界。

8、xiao ming is one of the___boy in our class.小明是我们班当中最高的男生之一。

9、i like not only apples,__bananas.我不但喜欢苹果,还喜欢香蕉。

also 10、tom's grandfather___in 1789. 汤姆的爷爷在2023年去世了。

died died

11、mozart wrote___music.莫扎特写了很多**篇章。

of12、my father went to school___the age of 5.我的父亲在他5岁的时候去上学。

13、my brother likes___guitar.我的哥哥喜欢玩吉他。

the14、i h**e a friend___xiao hong.我有一个朋友叫小红。

15、— your sister isn't a doctor,is she?你姐姐不是一名医生,是吗?

she is a doctor and she works in no.1 hospital.她是(医生)。她是一名医生,她在第一医院工作。

is. isn't is


mozart was a famous composer.莫扎特是一位有名的作曲家。

before he was six he played the piano and the violin.在他六岁之前他就开始弹钢琴和拉小提琴。

his family took him around europe and he g**e concerts in many places.他的家人带他游于欧洲,而且他在很多个地方办了**会。

he wrote his first opera when he was 12.他在12岁的时候写了他的第一部歌剧。


1、mozart's music is still famous after several centuries.(century)莫扎特的**在几百多年后仍然很出名。

2、i like western music.(west)我喜欢西方的**。

3、strauss and mozart are two famous composers(composer)施特劳斯和莫扎特是两位著名的作曲家。

4、lingling is a lively girl.(live)玲玲是一个可爱的女孩。

5、you walk too slowly,please be quick.(slow)你走得太慢了,请(你动作)快点。


a:jane,do you like music?简,你喜欢**吗?

b:yes,of course.当然。


b:i like pop joy chou is my f**ourite singer.我喜欢流行**,周杰伦是我最喜欢的歌手。

a:jay chou周杰伦?他来自**?(d)

b:he's from taiwan.他来自台湾。

a:oh,i see.哦,我知道了。

b:do you know mozart?你知道莫扎特吗?

know little of him抱歉。我对他了解得很少。他是谁?(a)

b:he was a famous composer.他是一位很有名的作曲家。


b:he was born in 1756.



b:a song called to alice.



hello,my name is tony.你好,我的名字叫汤米。

different people h**e different ideas about music.不同的人对**有不同的看法。

for me,i like rock music because it's so exciting.


and my f**ourite rock bank is foxy ladies.而我最喜欢的摇滚乐队是“酷妹”。

i also like pop music.我也喜欢流行**。

my classmate li lan loves dance music,because she enjoys dancing.我的同学李兰喜欢舞曲,因为她喜欢跳舞。

my best friend jane likes jazz think it is really cool.我最好的朋友简喜欢爵士**。

"i love dance music and rock very much,"say my brother,"because they are interesting."“我很喜欢舞曲和摇滚乐”我的哥哥说,“因为它们很有趣。”

but my mother thinks rock is boring."i like some relaxing music,"she says.但是我的妈妈觉得摇滚很烦人。


that's why she likes country music,i think.我想那就是为什么她喜欢乡村**(的原因)了。

dear friend,do you like music?what kind of music do you like?亲爱的朋友,你喜欢**吗?你喜欢哪种**呢?

like rock music because it's exciting.我喜欢摇滚**因为它(使人)兴奋。

lan loves pop music,doesn't she?李兰喜欢流行**,不是吗?

no,she doesn't.

kind of music does jane like?简喜欢那种**?

she likes jazz music.

likes relaxing music?谁喜欢轻松的**?

tony's mother likes relaxing music.

does the writer like rock music?作者为什么喜欢摇滚**?

because it's so exciting.


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