
发布 2020-02-24 04:32:28 阅读 7315


1.—we've ordered too much food. ieat any more.—never mind. let's take it can't

b. mustn't

c. needn'td. shouldn't

2. when you are tr**elling,bring a map because it __help can't

b. mustn't

c. used tod. may

3. dogsrun through soccer games at the park. it's dangerous!

a. should b. shouldn'tc.

needd. needn't


paying,because it's against the wouldn'tb. needn'tc. mustn't

d. couldn't

5.—must i hand in my book report today,mr. brown?

—no,youthe book report is due in two can'tb. mustn't

c. shouldn'td. needn't

6.—may i take the dog with me,sir?

pets are not allowed to enter the yes,you mayc. yes,you can

b. no,you mustn'td. no,you needn't

7. youset out alone,or youget lost in the needn't;mayb. mustn't;mightc.

can't;needd. mustn't;must

8.—listen!i think itbe mr.

white singing in the office.—no. itbe him.

he left for london just must;mustn't b. may;mustn'tc. must;can'td.


9. to keep children safe,we __put thethings like knivesand medicine awayin our house.

a. mayc. can

b. shouldd. might

10.—will jim fly to taiwan for a holiday?

he __try. in fact it depends on how much the journey mayb. has toc. need

d. must


1.a 6.b点拨:从pets are not allowed to enter the hall.可以判断前面回答应是否。

定,故先排除a, c;再根据句意可知选b符合语境。

7.b点拨:根据get lost in the jungle在丛林中迷路可知,你不应该独自一人出。





10.a点拨:根据it depends on how much the journey costs这取决于这个旅行的。



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