四年级下册英语期末复习专项训练 2019春

发布 2020-10-30 18:30:28 阅读 6820





班级姓名成绩找出不同类的单词,将其字母编号填入括号里。()1. a.

firstb. onec. two() 2.

a. coatsb. shirtsc.

sweater() the library?

a. it’ it’s on the second welcome!()2. is this the computer room?

next to the teachers’office. b. it’s our computer room.

c. yes, it is.()you h**e a music room?

a. no, i yes, we yes, we don’t.()4. what time is it now?

a. it’s 6o’ i h**e forty.()5. is it time for english class?

a. it’s9 o’ they are in the yes, it is.()6. let’s go to school.

a. yes, i thank you.()7. what’s the weather like in london?

itisn’ yes, it’s rainy.()8. can i go outside now?

you yes, you can’ yes, you can.()9. is it cold in beijing?

a. no, they aren’ yes, he yes, it is.

) 3. a. horse() 4.

a. is() 5. a.

art room() 6. a. on() 7.

a. come on() 8. a.

breakfast() 9. a. get() 10.

a. weather() 11. a.

sunny() 12. a. beef() 13.

a. those() 14. a.

shorts() 15. a. cheap() 16.

a. farm() 17. a.

us() 18. a. myb.

tomatoc. cowb. hec.

areb. musicc. englishb.

next toc. libraryb. hurry upc.

pe classb. green beansc. lunchb.

timec. gob. cloudyc.

hotb. coolc. sydney

b. carrotc. tomatob.

thisc. thatb. scarfc.

socksb. nicec. gloveb.

animalc. gardenb. yoursc.

mineb. yourc. me

) 10. are these carrots?

a. yes, it yes, they yes, they are tomatoes.()11. what are those?

they’re potatoes.()19. a.

rainyb. degreec. warm() 20.

a. duckb. sheepc.

people() 21. a. clothesb.

hatc. dress() 22. a.

get upb. go homec. dinner() 23.

a. computerb. fridgec.


) 12. how many cows do you h**e?

a. they’re they’re cows.()13. are these yours?

they are yes, they are no, they’re mine.()14. whose hat is this?

a. they’re amy’ it’s it’s amy’s.()15. i like this red dress.

me, here you are.()16. what colour are your shorts?

a. they’re they’re on the it’s blue.()much is that sweater?

they’re 50 it’s 40 dollars.()18. can try them on?

a. of they’re thanks.()19. how do you like this shirt?

a. they’re it’s yes, it is.

) 24. a. art room() 25.

a. big() 26. a.

try on() 27. a. outside() 28.

a. dress() 29. a.

hot() 30. a. whose



you h**e a library?

is the library?c. what’s in the library?()2.当你想确认教师办公室是否在一楼,你要怎么问?

the teachers’office on the first floor?

is the teachers’office?c. is this the teachers’office?()3.当你想知道那间是否是美术室,你要怎么问?

art room is next to the music is that the art class?c. is that the art room?

) 4.当你想表达欢迎来我们学校,你要怎么说?

to our welcome to our this way, please.

) 5.你想问现在几点了,你可以怎么问?

time is it?b. it’s time for it’s time to h**e dinner.()6.你想说现在该回家了,你可以怎么说?

go school is it’s time to go home.

) 7.你想约张鹏一起去操场,你可以怎么说?

on the let’s go to the go to the playground.

) 8.你想表达该上英语课了,你可以怎么说?

time to english it’s time to h**e english time for h**e english class.

) 9.你想叫amy等你一下,你可以怎么说?

hurry just a minute.()10.你想问“伦敦天气如何”,你可以怎么问?

a. what’s the weather like in london?b.

it’s cool and rainy in what time is it in london?

) 11.你想知道广州是否寒冷,你可以怎么问?

the weather like in guangzhou?b. it’s cold in it cold in guangzhou?()12.你想出去,你可以怎么说?

a. can i go home?b. can i go outside?c. can i help you?

) 13.当有人问你“今天天气如何”时,你应回答:

a.it’s very it’s hot and is it hot and sunny?

) 14.你想知道sarah是否有夹克衫,你可以怎么问?

a. is this your jacket?b. whose jacket is that?c. do you h**e a jacket?

) 15.你想询问远处的物体是什么时,你可以怎么问?a.

what are these?b. what are those?

c. are those cows?()16.


are these?b. do you like carrots? these carrots?

) 17.你想告诉mike这件外套是john的,你可以怎么说?

this coat john’s?

coat is this coat is john’s.

) 18.你想问amy“那条裙子是你的吗?”你可以怎么问?

a. whose skirt is it?b. is this skirt yours?c. is that skirt yours?

) 19.你想为别人提供帮助,你可以怎么说?

i help you?b. can you help me? i go outside?

) 20.你知道sarah的袜子是什么颜色,你可以怎么问?

a. where are your socks?b.

what colour is your socks?c. what colour are your socks?

) 21.你想表达这双鞋子很好看,你可以怎么说?

do your like these shoes?

shoes are look at the shoes.()22.别人称赞你的裙子,你可以怎么回答?

you’re here you are.

) 23.你想告诉售货员帽子太大了,你可以怎么说?a. the hat is too the hat is the hat is too big.

) 24.你想表达这条连衣裙太贵了,你可以怎么说?

a. the dress is very the dress is too the dress is too cheap.

) 25.你想询问这件毛衣的**,你可以怎么问?

a. how much is the sweater?b.

how many sweaters do you h**e?c. how do you like the sweater?

) 26.你想询问这副太阳镜的**,你可以怎么问?

a. how much is the sunglasses?b.

how much are the sunglasses?c. the sunglasses are 80 dollars.

) 27.你想表达mike有一个便宜的书包,你可以怎么说?a.

mike has a cheap the schoolbag is mike has a nice schoolbag.

四年级下册英语期末复习专项训练 春

小学英语四年级下册期末分类复习题 1 班级姓名成绩。根据问题,选择恰当的答语。the library?a.it s new.b.it s on the second floor.c.welcome 2.is this the computer room?a.it s next to the teac...

四年级下册期末专项训练 一

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1 你好吗?好,谢谢。2 你准备好上学了吗?3 见到你很高兴。见到你也很高兴。4 这是珍妮,她是一个女孩。她是我的朋友。5 他是学校里新来的男孩。6 让我们做好朋友吧。7 这是谁的铅笔?这是你的铅笔吗?8 kim正在用她的铅笔画画。9 它们是蜡笔。10 丹尼在史蒂文的前面。11 他正在用粉笔在黑板上...