
发布 2020-09-29 12:51:28 阅读 5504


1) (a. friend b. desk c. chair d. board

2) (a. light b. fan c. chair d. bread

3) (a. student b. teacher c. boy d. board

4) (a. music b. sports c. chair d. science

5) (a. study b. bathroom c. chair d. kitchen

6) (a. father b. mother c. uncle d. milk

7) (a. aunt b. fork c. spoon d. knife新课标第一网。

8) (a. bread b. hamburger c. rice d. picture

9) (a. rice b. chopsticks c. chicken d. beef

10) (a. parents b. farmer c. driver d. nurse

11) (a. notebook b. story-book c. school d. chinese book

12) (a. classroom b. light c. wall d. window

13) (a. chicken b. kitchen c. beef d. rice

14) (a. bread b. juice c. water d. soup

15) (a. man b. father c. uncle d. brother

16) (a. quiet b. friend c. long d. short

17) (a. farmer b. nurse c. friend d. baseball player

18) (a. phone b. room c. sofa d. fridge

19) (a. fish b. beef c. chicken d. vegetable

20) (a. plate b. twenty d. fifty

21) (a. thin b. hair d. quiet

pep小学英语四年级上册句型练习题x|k |b| 1 . c|o |m


1. is she in the study?它们在桌子上吗?

2. are they on the table?她在书房吗?

3. is mike in the kitchen?你想吃点什么?

4. what would you like?迈克是在厨房吗?

5. what’s for dinner?我能要一些汤吗?

6. can i h**e some soup?晚餐有些什么?

7. i am hungry.我可以帮忙吗?

8. can i help you?我饿了。

9. i like chicken.你喜欢牛奶吗?

10. do you like milk?我喜欢鸡肉。


)1. i’d like some fish, please. a. what can you see in the room?

) 2. yes, pleaseb. where is the chicken3. yes,i doc. what would you like?

) 4. yes, here you ared. what’s for dinner?

) 5. no, they aren’te. can i help you?

) 6. soup and fishf. can i h**e some fish?

) 7. yes, she isg. do you like milk?新-课-标-第-一-网。

) 8. no, he isn’th. is he in the kitchen?

) 9. it’s on the platei. is she in the study?

)10. i can see a window, a bed and a desk. j. are they on the table?


a. mom

b. yes, pass me a plate.

a: okb: some vegetables and beef.新课标第一网。

a: great

b: sure

a: i’d like some fish soup.

ba:thank you, mom!

a. everything’s ready. b. can i h**e some soup?

c. can i help youd. what’s for dinner?


1. am, i , hungry.

2. soup, i’d , some, like.

3. on, the , it’s , plate.

4. door, in , they’re, the.

5. like, i , chicken.

6. dinner, what’s, for?

7. i, can, you, help?

8. would, what, like, you?

9. is, the , key, where?

10. can, see, what, you?




unit 1

1. -what's in the classroom?

2. this is___人名。

3. i / we h**e __

4. -where's myit's near the___

5. this is mythe __is __

6. let's clean___let me clean___

unit 2


1. -how many __do you h**e?

-- i h**e __

2. i h**e __

3. -what colour is it?

-- it's __

4. -my schoolbag is he**y.

-- what's in it?

unit 3

1ishe / she ismy friend is a boy. he's thin.)

2. -what's his / her name?

-- his / her name is __

3. i h**e a friend. he'she likes

4. who's __

unit 4

1. this is my home. you can see __

2. -is this your __

-- yes, it is. /no, it isn't.

3. where is __

4. -is she / he / it in the __

-- yes, _is. /no, it isn't.

5. where are __w w w .x k b o m

6. -are they on / in / the __

-- yes, they are. /no, they aren't.

7. -what can you see in my room?

-- i can see___

unit 5

1. -can i h**e some __

-- sure. here you are.

2. -what would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner?

-- i'd like some

3. pass me a __please. give me a __

unit 6

1. -how many people are there in your family?

my family has __members. 2. -who are they?

3. -what's your father / mother ..

-- he / she is a __he'stall / strong) he likes

4. -is this your __

-- yes, she / he is. (no, she / he isn't.)

5. he / she / they look(s) _


1. (what’s___the classroom? a. on b. in c. under

2. (where’s my seat? it’s___the door. a. on b. in c. near

3. (let’s clean the classrooma. good job b. good idea c.

it’s nice

4. (let___put up the picturea. my b. i c. me

5. (do you like applesa. yes, i am b. yes, i do c. yes,i can

x k b 1 . c o m

6. (i h**e __english book. a. a b. an c. am

7. (he has five __a. book b. books c. bookes

8. (what’s___name? a. she b. he c. his

9. (he __sports. a. like b. likes c. is like

10. (zhang peng___short hair. a. h**e b. has c. had

11. (we___a good time. a. h**e b. has c. had

12. (is that a boy __a girl? a. or b. and c. is

13turn on the light. a. let me b. let’s me c. let’s us

14is your kite? a. what’s color b. what color

15your father? a. what b. what’s c. what are

16. (my friend __strong. a. is b. are c. am

17. (who’s your __teacher? a. china b. chinese

18. (i like___a. paint b. painting

19. (is she___the living room? a. on b. in c. behind

20. (i s that his bedroom? no,__a. he isn’t b. it isn’t c. she isn’t

21. (where is your sister? she __in the study. a. is b. am c. are

22. (what___you see in my room? a. are b. can c. will

23. (are the keys in the door? yes,__a. they aren’t b. it isn’t c.

they are

24. (are they near the phone? no,__a. they aren’t b. it isn’t c.

they are

25. (the keys are___the door. b on and write(根据大写字母提示,按字母表顺序写出其对应的小写字母)

a l y r d p i u x f

八、read and choose the right answer(找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词)

) 1. a. studyb. kitchenc. sofa

) 2. a. sisterb. brotherc. fish

) 3. a. vegetableb. noodlesc. shelf

) 4. a. strongb. sportsc. quiet

) 5. wallc. water九。

x|k |b| 1 . c| o |m

choose and write(用所给单词填空,每个单词只用一次)

who what where how how many

1is she?

2is his name?

3are you?

4people are there in your family?

5is your seat?

十、read and choose the right answer(单项选择)

) 1.—we h**e a new computer.—really

a. let’s go and h**e a look. b. let’s go to school.

c. let’s go to the classroom.

) 2.—where is my schoolbag?—.

a. it’s a panda. yellow. c. it’s a panda. it’s on the desk.

) 3.—how many notebook do you h**e?—i h**e52).

a. fifteen c. fifty

) 4.—what is your pen?—it’s red.

nice c. colour

) 5. she long hair, big eyes and ears.

b. h**e c. is

) 6.—who are they?—they are my

a. mother b. father c. parents

) 7. what would you like dinner?

a. to c. for

) 8. whatyou like for dinner?

a. are b. do c. would

) 9. everything ready.

c. are

) 10. are they near the phone?

a. no, they aren’t. b. yes,there is. c. no, there isn

十一、read and find(读一读,找答语)

) 1. let’s sweep the floor.

) i h**e a look?

) is my book?

) 4. who’s this girl?

) 5. how old is your father? friend, amy.

in the schoolbag.

d. ok.

here you are.十二。

read and write“t”or“f”(读短文,判断正“t”误“f”)

hello! is my mother. she is a doctor, too.

she has long red hair. that woman is myaunt. she has short hair and big eyes.

the big boy is my brother. he likes music.

) 1. there are four people in my family.

) 2. my aunt has long red hair.

) 3. my mother is a doctor.

) 4. my father likes painting.

) 5. my brother is a driver.



一 四会 听 说 读 写 的单词36个要求 根据中文写英文。unit 2 包书铅笔尺子钢笔铅笔盒 unit 3 老师女孩学生朋友男孩 unit 4 家课桌房间门学校椅子教室床窗户 unit 5 面包水米饭鸡肉牛奶鱼蛋牛肉 unit 6 姐妹司机兄弟医生爸爸农民妈妈 二 听 说 认读的单词要求 1.会...


请同学们每天回家后将下面的内容读一遍,麻烦各位家长在星期下。签字,感谢您的支持与配合!如果遇到不会读的,把它划出来,回学。校问老师 同学。每天读完请家长签字 如 已读1遍 一二三四五六日。pep 四上 复习资料 unit 1 my classroom classroom 教室 window 窗户 b...


复习单词。failyparentsuncleauntbabybaseballplayer家庭父母叔 舅姨,这是我叔叔。他是一个棒球运动员。他看上去很强壮。hoanypeoplearethereinyourfaily?你们家有几口人?hoarethey?他们是谁?hat syourfather?hei...