2019春季九年级英语复习周周清 5

发布 2020-02-23 07:25:28 阅读 9354


第一部分教材梳理篇八年级unit 1&目标短语。

cheer...on为……加油quite a bit/ a lot许多,大量play for为……效力grow up长大**,成长in the future在将来,在未来give up放弃take part in参加,加入both...and...

两个都,既……又……pretty well相当好。

spend...in) doing sth.花费(时间)做……all over the world全世界keep fit保持健康be good for对……有益arrive in/ at到达某地le**e for动身去某地be glad to乐意做…right away立刻,马上make one's bed整理床铺。

do sb. a f**or帮助某人shout at sb.朝某人大叫be angry with sb.

生(某人)的气do one's best尽(某人)最大努力keep doing sth.继续做某事tum down关小,调低in a minute马上,立即take a seat坐下,就座more and more越来越(多的)as well也,还有instead of代替,而不是build up使……更强壮。

be ready for为……准备好be able to能够h**e fun玩得高兴stand for象征at least至少,不少于fall ill患病。

考点剖析。1. i saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.



see sb. do sth.或see sb.

doing sth.,但两者是有区别的:不定式表示整个动作过程,而现在分词表示正在进行的动作(不管是不是全过程)。

如:i saw him cross the road.我看见他穿过了马路。


i saw him crossing the road.我看见他正在穿越马路。(强调看到的动作正在进行。

)【链接】感官动词还有: feel , hear, listen to , look at , find , notice , watch等。如:

we often hear him sing in his garden.我们经常听到他在花园里唱歌。can you feel the train slowing down?


2.—which sport do you prefer , cycling or rowing?骑车和划船,你更喜欢哪种运动?

—i prefer rowing.我更喜欢划船。

prefer是指两者中偏爱或更喜欢一者。其用法为prefer +动名词/名词/动词不定式。如:

which do you prefer, an apple or an orange?苹果和橘子,你更喜欢哪种?—i prefer an orange.我更喜欢橘子。

链接】(1) prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事。如:

a lot of people prefer to live in the countryside.有更多人更喜欢住在乡下。

2) prefer(doing)sth. to(doing)sth.比起(做)某事更喜欢(做)某事。

如:i prefer reading to writing.比起写字,我更喜欢读书。

3. are you going to join the school rowing club?你要加入学校划船俱乐部吗?


作"加入"解时,指的是成为某个团体、组织的一员; join sb.表示加入某人的行列,和某人一起。如:

when did he join the army?他什么时候入伍的?party/ league

will you join us?你愿意加入我们吗?

链接】(1)当join作不及物动词时,意为"参加(某项活动) "通常结构为"join in +活动名称"。如:

would you like to join in the match?你要参加比赛吗?

2 ) take part in指参与某项活动,相当于join in+活动名称。如:

i took part /joined in her birthday party last night.昨晚我参加了她的生日晚会。4.

they are le**ing for japan the day after tomorrow.他们将于后天动身前往日本。

are le**ing for并不表示动作现在正在进行,而是表示动作将要发生。某些动词的现在进行时可用来表示一个最近按计划或已安排好要进行的动作。如:

come , go , do ,arrive , start , le**e , return , h**e , stay , spend , sail , meet , fly等。如:

are you staying here till tomorrow?你要在这儿一直待到明天吗?5.

would you mind teaching me?请你教我,好吗?

would you mind(sb.) doing sth. ?是一个常用固定句型,表示"请你做某事好吗?倘若(某人)做某事你介意吗?"如:

would you mind giving me a hand?介意帮我个忙吗?

链接】(1)否定句为would you mind not doing sth. ?请不要做某事好吗?

如:would you mind not smoking here?请不要在这吸烟好吗?

2) would you mind if...此句型用于请求允许或客气地请人做某事。如:

would you mind if i open the window?我打开窗户好吗?(3) would you mind sb.

doing sth. ?如:

would you mind me sitting here?也可以说成would you mind my sitting here?肯定回答:

of course not. /certainly not. /never mind.

/no , not at all.否定回答: yes , you'd better not.

/sorry i'm afraid not.

6. i didn’t want to miss the goal , either.我也不想丢掉那个球。

either “也”,用于否定句后或否定词组后。如:

peter can't go and i can't , either.彼得不能去,我也不能。"i don't like it.

'me either. "我不喜欢它。""我也不喜欢。


you can park on either side of the street.你可以将车停在这条街的任何一边。you can keep either of the two photos.

你可以保留两张**中的任何一张。7. we're sure to win next time.


be sure to do sth.肯定要做某事(表将来)。如:it's sure to rain.肯定要下雨。

链接】be sure+(that)从句"确信……"如:i'm sure (that) he is right.我确信他是对的。

8. healthy eating habits and running help to build me up.健康的饮食习惯和跑步帮助我强健身体。

build up使……健康,增强。体质。

build up是一个动词+副词的短语。这类短语的宾语是代词时,代词必须放在动词和副词中间;如果宾语是名词,则可放中间,也可放在副词后面。此类短语有give up ,put up , cheer up , look up , turn up , ring up , take off, wake up , pick up , put off, turnoff, see off, put on , cheer on , turn on , try on , put away , throw away , work out , carryout, check over, think over, turn down等。

9. i h**e great fun running.我从跑步中得到很大乐趣。

h**e fun doing sth.从做某事中获得乐趣。如:

this term we will h**e great fun learning english.这个学期我们将从学习英语中获得很大乐趣。类似的结构还有:

h**e difficulty (in) doing problem (s) (in) doing trouble (in) doing sth.

细比细看。1. arrive in /arrive at/ reach/ get to

1) what time did he arrive __the village?(2) at last we __the base camp (大本营) .

3) you can easily get __the city center from here.(4) they will arrive __tokyo in two days.2.

maybe/ may be

1)__he is at home now.

2) he __wrong, but we're not sure.3. le**e/ le**e for/ le**e...for

1) he __his hometown last week.

2) i am __new york next week to see my good friends there.(3) we will __beijing __shanghai.4.

turn on/ turn off/ turn up/ turn down/ close/ open

1)—paul , could you pleasethe tv a little? it's too noisy.—sorry , i'll do it right now.

2the lights when you le**e.

3the tv. let's watch the play together.(4your mouth, and say "ah".

5)the music wasloud and they danced crazily.(6) imy eyes against the bright light.


涉及范围 unit 3.一 请背诵以下重要句型。should be allowed to get their years pierced 扎耳洞 should stop wearing 停止 that silly earring.talk instead of doing 代替做 homework....


九年级周周清检测英语第二周姓名分数。一词组翻译 3分x 15 45分 1处理2变得不开心3担心4通过学会遗忘5把问题视作挑战。6抱怨7解决问题8尽我们最大努力9在老师的帮助下10想想更糟糕的事情。11害怕孤独12留着卷发13在游泳队14在众人前说话15让电扇fan开着二单选 4分x10 40分 16...


一 选择填空。1 is helen your friend?noisn t.a.heb.shec.helend.her 2 is old man mr green?yes,it is.3 li ming is my sister,and i am her a.brother b.motherc.un...