
发布 2020-02-22 04:57:28 阅读 5335







)7. which country has the largest population in the world?

a. russia b. china c. india

)8. what percent of the world’s population does china h**e?

a. 20% b. 25 c. 30%

)9. what are they talking about?

a. the population of some developed countries

b. the world’s population

c. life in some developed countries

)10. why is kangkang late again?

a. he gets up late today b. his bike is broken c. the traffic is bad



)11. what are they talking about?

a. singing b. reading c. dancing

)12. what does the boy think of it?

a. interesting b. difficult c. boring


)13. where are the speakers?

a. at school b. at the hospital c. at the seashore

)14. what does the boy need?

a. advice b. medicine c. relax


)15. what is van good at?

a. he is good at drawing b. he is good at singing c. he is good at dancing

)16. where does van come from?

a. he comes from a city far away b. he comes from a town far away

c. he comes from a country far away

)17. what does jim tell van about one day?

a. about how to play football b. about how to study hard

c. about how to memorize words

)18. why does jim like van?

a. because he is very interesting b. because he studies hard

c. because he is friendly



part one语言知识应用(35分)


)1. –h**e you seen my brother?

--yes, ihim five minutes ago.

a. meet b. h**e met c. met d. was meeting

)2. –where is beth?

--she to her rome town.

a. has gone b. has been c. went d. h**e gone

)3. we are all pleased that jim has this term.

a. make great progresses b. to make great progress

c. make great progress d. made great progress

)4. –he is too young to describe the accident .

--never mind.

a. detail b. brief c. in detail d. briefly

)5. he is very happy because he has in passing the exam.

a. succeed b. success c. successful d. succeeded

)6. lily can’t swim. lucy can’t swim either. so of them can swim.

a. both b. neither c. none d. every

)7the population the

--over 300 million.

a. what, with b. what’s, of c. how many, to d. how much, for

)8. the population of shanghai is larger than of shenyang.

a. that b. it c. one d. this

)9. this old house our government. any people can’t own it.

a. belong to b. belongs to c. own d. owns

)10. there are so many books, but i can’t find a book .

a. read b. reads c. reading d. to read

)11. –why do you come here?

--we are here to the public services.

a. provide; to b. provide; with c. provide, for d. provide, in

)12. his father has worked in this factory he came here in 1980.

a. since b. for c. when d. how long

)13. not only kinking but also jane like an angel(天使).

a. sing b. to sing c. sings d. singing

)14. –what the animals of in the past 400 years?

--many kinds of animals h**e already gone . we should take care of them.

a. has happened to b. is happened to

c. has happened with d. is happening

)15. –i h**e read the novel. how about you?

--i h**en’t read it

a. yet, already b. already; yet c. already, just now d. yet, just now



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