
发布 2020-02-22 04:51:28 阅读 7772

执笔人:张迎春审核:英语组使用时间 10.8

学习目标】1..记住三个生词:rude beh**ior importance

四个短语:as a result in the beginging day by day die out

2. 学习并归纳总结不定代词和不定副词的用法。


what kinds of pollution do you know ? air pollution soil pollution water pollution

light pollution noise pollution litter



1.beh**ior___动词) (形容词) 反义词) 4 use __名词)__形容词) 名词) 6 none __反义词) 7. spit ( 过去式过去分词。

二 ) 听 、说 、找短语。

1 结果2 保护环境3 到处 __4 关爱野生动物5 有用的东西___6采摘鲜花7 保护环境___8 上写到___9 灭绝10 一天一天地 __


一 )everyone , every one 的区别。

1. everyone is here . 2. he ate every one of the apples .

3. i know every one of them .

everyone 意思是作主语时谓语动词用___数形式。every one 后可和of 连用,表示 “_中的每一个” 而everyone则不可以和of 连用;every one 可用于指___也用于指人 ,而everyone 只用于指人。

二 ) no one , none , nobody 的区别。

1. no one knows her . 2. none of my friends like / likes drawing .

3. he has read none of the these books.

none意思是既可以指人也可以指物,后常跟___短语,作主语时谓语动词既可以用___数也可以用___数;no one意思是只指___后不能跟of 短语;作主语时谓语动词用作___数。

no one /nobody has been there .

no one 相当于nobody , 二者均可用else 修饰,而none 则不可以。

4.--who are you speaking tono one .

5.--how many students h**e been to the great wallnone .

6.--how much milk is there in the bottlenone .

在简略回答中回答how many/ much 的问题回答who 的问题。

三 )some ,any , every 与body , thing ,one ,where 构成的不定代词、不定副词用法:

1. everything goes well.

2. he has gone somewhere warm for his holiday .


3.there is something in the woods. 4 . i saw someone in the room. .

5 . there isn’t anything on the desk . 6 . would you like something to drink ?

some- 复合代词、副词常用-__句,any- 复合代词、副词用于___句,当some- 复合代词、副词用于疑问句时,表示希望得到对方的肯定回答或表示委婉地请求。。

7. everyone is here, aren’t they ?

8 .everything goes well, doesn’t it ?

不定代词如果指的是人作主语时,其反义疑问句的主语要用they ; 如果指物时,其反义疑问句主语用it 。


1.小组讨论: 写一份改善校园环境的倡议书,号召大家共同努力,创造一个友好安静的学习环境。



一) 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. we shouldn’t speak louldly在公众场合)

2. he seldom exercises结果) ,he is not in good health .

3. i belive our life will become more more exciting __and一天天地 )

4. in winter , you can see snow到处)


5. edward came in and said he had __to tell the class.

a. anything importantb. importart everthing

c. something something

6.__the girls has been to college .

a. tow of of c. none of one of

7.__how many birds are there in the tree ?

a. a little one c. none d. nobody

8. _would you liketo drink ?

___ok, thank you .

a. anything

9 .i’m free .i h**e __to do .

a. something d. nothing



执笔人:龚玉芝审核人: 英语组使用时间:

学习目标】1.熟记单词和词组。如desert、prevent、although、law、cut down、change… into、 and so on.


学习过程】一.学习准备 are they talking about?

causes this kind of bad weather?


1.预习生词:(1)although同义词2)turn off 反义词 (3)沙漠4)on earth (5)形成6)记得做某事。

and read .find the phrases.

1.多么坏的天气啊2、 许多沙漠3、砍倒4、转换成5、妨碍 /阻止6、人类。

7、关掉8、形成9、刮走 10、冲走。


(1)cut down 砍伐,代词作宾语放在期间。

trees are very useful to protect the shouldn’t砍伐他们)

cut down 降低,减少。

the article should be降低到)1000 words.

cut sth in halvescut sth into pieces


the cold weather把水变成冰)


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九年级 英语

2009 2010学年度上学期九年级期末质量监测试题 英语。亲爱的同学们 经过一个学期的努力学习,你们在英语学科方面一定有了很大的飞跃。希望你们在这次期末质量测试中,能发挥自己的最佳水平。本试卷由5部分组成,满分120分,答题时间120分钟。祝你们取得优异成绩!ok,现在就开始答题吧。一 听力 共2...