
发布 2020-02-22 04:53:28 阅读 3490



考生注意:1、考试时间100分钟。2、全卷共七道大题,总分120 分。




)1. where is man going?

a. to the train station b. to the school c. to the tv station

) 2. how many tickets has the girl got?

a. two b. three c. four

) 3. what does sarah’s art teacher look like?

a. she is tall with brown hair b. she is tall with yellow hair c.

she is short with yellow hair

) 4. what was mary doing when it rained yesterday?

a. she was cooking b. she was watching tv c. she was cleaning the house

) 5. why does the woman like d**id beckham?

a. because he plays football best in the world.

b. because she thinks he looks coolest in the world.

c. because she thinks he’s friendly to his fans.



)6. what kind of groups does lisa like?

a. groups that can sing and dance

b. groups that play quiet and gentle songs

c. groups that wear cool clothes.

) 7. where will the group perform?

a. at the central square b. at the city theater c. at the city central square


) 8. what tv programmes does lucy like?

a. programmes about sports b. programmes about animals c. programmes aboutfilms

) 9. what does lucy think of sports programmes?

a. they are interesting b. they are interesting c. they are interesting


)10. who is li ying going to the concert with?

a. her friends b. her parents c. her aunt

( )11. what time will the concert start?

a. at 7 pm b. at 8pm c. at 9pm

( )12. what kind of music does the boy like best?

a. jazz music b. rock music c. pop music


( )13. who is a top student? a. mike b. sally c. victor

) 14. where does victor usually play computer games?

a. in kate’s room b. in his own room c. in mike’s room

) 15. what does ellen usually do on saturdays?

a. watches tv b. does her homework c. goes shopping



21do you improve your listening?

--i improve it __listening to bbc and voa.

a. how, with b. how, by c. what, by d. what, with

22new english words in a dictionary is a good way __english.

a. ending up; improvingb. ****** up; improve

c. looking up; to improve d. giving up; to improve

23. -excuse me, does mr. smith’s son live here?

---he __be here, but he has moved.

a. has to b. used to c. was used to d. happened to

24. -what school rules do you h**e at school?

-- studentsslippers(拖鞋) when they are at school.

a. don’t allow to wearb. are not allowed to wear

c. are not allowed to put on d. are not allowed wearing

25. children often make mistakes spelling. a for b in c on d at

26. -where is jack, do you know?

- something is wrong with his car. and he has gone to get it __

a. repair (修理) b. to repair c. repairing d. repaired

27. -look! here comes our school bus.

-- no hurry. don’t get on it __it has stopped.

a. unlessb. beforec. sinced. when

28. -what would you do if you __spider man?

- er. i __do homework any more.

a. were; won’t b. are; won’t c. were; wouldn’t d. are; wouldn’t

29. —how are you feeling here?

i’m nervous. i don't know __to do or say.

a. how b. whatc. whether d. where

30. jim works hard on his chinese and __

a. so lucy does b. so is lucy c. so does lucy d. so lucy is

31. it is raining now. i would like to watch tv at home __playing soccer outside.


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