
发布 2020-02-22 04:58:28 阅读 5545


. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

1. 今天下午史密斯先生将作报告。mr. smith willthis afternoon.

2. 起初杰夫并不喜欢英语。jeff didn't like english

3. 我妹妹喜欢逐字阅读,所以她是个阅读速度慢的人。

my sister likes readingso she is a very slow reader.

4. 萨拉加入了英语俱乐部来提高她的口语技能。

sara joined an english club to improve her

5. 凯莉坚持每天早晨朗读。kelly keepsevery morning

. 根据语境及所给汉语提示,完成下列句子或对话,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1. nick took his notebook out of his bag and began to记笔记).

2. one of the best ways to learn english well is to记忆句型).

3. i害怕) tell tom the bad news.

4. how did you爱上) ping-pong and start practicing it?

5. mandy would like a cup of coffee也).

6. —there is something wrong with my computer. could you repair it for me, mike?

oh小菜一碟). i can make it in just 2 minutes.

7用英语记日记) is a good way to improve your writing skills.

8. please查这些单词) in the english-english dictionary.

. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。

1. enough sleep can make sure ourwork better.

2. my problem with english is that i can'tsome words correctly.

3. bob g**e me some advice on howmy reading speed.

4. mr. brown is usually very quiet, but he wasat the party yesterday.

5. rick, read the following dialogues and then practice them with your

6. it's very important for us to choose our friends

7. try toan interest in what you learn.

8. the teacher said we shouldwhat we learned before the test.

9. they can get a lot of scientificfrom such an interesting activity.

10. my mother is my first teacher and myteacher.

1. 张老师叫我注意拼写。 mr. zhang told me tomy spelling.

2. 这条铁路把北京和上海连接了起来。the railway __beijing __shanghai.

3. 我们不确定下周是否去宿营,这取决于天气情况。

we're not sure if we'll go camping next week. itthe weather.

4. 明天上午苏珊将和我们分享她的学习习惯。

susan will share herwith us tomorrow morning.

5. 这两种文化有很多相同之处。the two cultures __a lot

6. 熟能生巧。为了学好英语,你需要大量的练习。

to learn english well,you need a lot of practice.

7. 昨天卡萝尔要求给她时间考虑一下那件事。

8. yesterday carol asked for time toit.

8. 劳拉天生具有跳舞的能力。laurathe ability to dance.

1.昨天一场大雨冲走了那棵小树。yesterday a he**y rainthat small tree.

2.上周六我爸妈带我出去吃饭了。my parents took me tolast saturday.

3.过完春节后你的体重增加了吗?did youweight after the spring festival?



you look so excitedi won a computer!


their classroomours, but ours is a little bigger.


the old man often tells someto these children.


the young manin the sky just now.


if you drink magic medicine, you will


wethe blanket on the grass and sat down on it.

5.母亲节是一个感谢母亲的特别的日子is a special day to thank mothers.


autumn is my f**orite season because we canin this season.

1. i often打扮成) a policeman when i was a child.

2. we went to the church to celebrate平安夜).

3. it looked like一个闹鬼的房子), so few people went into it.

4. the boys hid john's bike to捉弄) him.

5. thanks for your gift—it will always提醒我想起你).

6. they did much work, but they最后处于) getting nothing.

1.当你看到医院的时候左拐when you see the hospital.

2.无锡是在太湖附近的一个著名的城市。wuxi is a famous citylaketai.

3.不要急促,否则你会出事故的or you may h**e an accident.

4.请再说一遍好吗?刚才我没有听清你说的话。__i didn't hear you clearly just now.


this street to the end, and you will find the park on your right.


alan heard someonethe room, but he didn't go out to see who it was.


宜昌市十中九年级英语期中考试试题。考试形式 闭卷卷面分数 120分考试时间 120分钟命题 许春森难度值 0.65 听力测试 25分 一 情景反应 根据你听到的句子,请从a b c三个选项中选出适当答语。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。1.a.i study by listening to tapes.b...


初三期中复习公式汇总。物理量。公式。变形公式g f nn g fg f n g g f n gh s n 计算单位。备注。使用说明。不考虑滑轮自重 摩擦等因素。考虑滑轮自重,但不计绳重和摩擦注意右图 f 2gs h 2v v 2 拉力。滑轮组。f g n f 拉力的大小,f g n g 物体的重力,...

九年级 英语

2009 2010学年度上学期九年级期末质量监测试题 英语。亲爱的同学们 经过一个学期的努力学习,你们在英语学科方面一定有了很大的飞跃。希望你们在这次期末质量测试中,能发挥自己的最佳水平。本试卷由5部分组成,满分120分,答题时间120分钟。祝你们取得优异成绩!ok,现在就开始答题吧。一 听力 共2...