九年级上学期英语周末作业 第6周

发布 2020-02-21 00:30:28 阅读 9657

1. sandwich (复数。

2. necessary (动词。

名词。3. serve (名词。

4. state (名词。

5. usual (反义词。

(副词。6. product (动词。

7. treat (名词。

fat (形容词。

二、英汉互译下列短语 (每空2分,共28分)

1. 均衡饮食。

2. 太多乳制品。

3. 油炸食品。

4. 体检。

5. **。

6. 通常;大体上。

7. 加糖的咖啡。

8. a bit of

9. would rather do sth

10. soft drinks

11. out of money

12. treat sb. to sth

13. be prepared to do sth

14. different kinds of healthy food三、根据下列句子及所给中文意思或单词的首字母完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共20分)

1. when i am cooking soup, i h**e a habit of putting some s___to make the soupsweet.

2. the reasons are already s___in the report.

3. they want to do r___to find out when people like to drink tea in their daily life.

4. western people like to drink c___but eastern people like to drink tea.

5. when i feel sad, i will t___myself to some delicious food to make me happy.

6. after you read this book, could you please give me your ron it?

7. it’s nfor us to do exercise every day.

8. don’t eat汉堡包) so often. they h**e too many calories.

9. that shop seems to h**e a good business. look! there are so many顾客) in it.

10. this smart phone costs me 500英磅).

四、根据所给的汉语内容, 用英语完成下列句子, 每空一词。(每空1分, 共26分)

1. 人们每天应该有一个均衡的饮食。

people should h**eevery day.

2. 你愿意今晚和我一起吃饭吗?

would you like towith me tonight?

3. 人们应该远离油炸食品。

people shouldfried food.

4. 软饮料对人体有害。

do harm topeople’s health.

5. 我们应该有一个健康的饮食习惯。

we should h**e a healthy

6. 人们有必要每天运动。

people to do sports every day.

7. 我们每天需要吃一些谷类产品。

we need to eat someevery day.

8. 不要吃太多乳制品。

don’t h**e too many

9. 这里有不同种类的鞋子供你挑选。

there areshoes for you to choose from.

10. 我要改变我的饮食。

i want to

五、用英语解释下列单词或短语 (每小题2分,共16分)

1. state

2. plenty of

3. usual

4. treat sb. to sth

5. serve

6. seat sb

7. lose weight

8. prepared to do sth


what are healthy eating habits? maybe you don'tknow them, but by __21__ small changes with everymeal, youcan __22___h**ing healthy eating are three pieces of advice.

begin with the __23___you choose to buy. usually,you'll eat what you buy. if chips are in thehouse, you will __24__ to eat them instead of by changing the food in the house.

youcan h**e more__25__ around you, such as applesoranges, and pears instead of chips.

when you shop at the supermarket, _26__ more of your time in the outside aisles (通道), where you'll __27__ the healthier food, like fresh fruit, fishand vegetables. they are __28__ lower in fat.

begin __29__ the labels ofthe food that you labeled "low in fat" is not always thehealthiest. if the food is lower in fat, it may h**emore salt. it's __30__ to read the label of the foodwhile you're shopping.

if you always do so, you can **oid buying expired (过期的) food and make a better choice next time.

) 21. a. meeting

b. persuading

c. ******

d. hiring

) 22. a. start

c. select

d. suggest

) 23. a. grain

b. food

c. vegetable

d. candy

) 24. a. seem

b. hate

c. refuse

d. prefer

) 25. a. fruits

b. meat

c. vegetables

d. grains

) 26. a. cost

b. take

c. spend

d. pay

) 27. a. deliver

b. recognize

c. lose

d. find

) 28. a. traditionally

b. quickly

c. firstly

d. easily

) 29. a. reading

b. writing

c. listening

d. speaking

) 30. a. bad

b. necessary


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