
发布 2020-02-19 09:46:28 阅读 8555




1,iwillgotoseeyouwhenyou___thetrainingcourse.(finish )

2, bytheendoflastyear, anothernewgymnasium___inbeijing. (complete )

3. .theprice___down,butidoubtwhetheritwillremainso.( go )

4. youcan’tmoveinrightnow,thehousepaint)

5. when i met her in the street yesterday, sheme on purpose. (ignore )

6. thereportersaidthattheufo___easttowestwhenhesawit. (tr**el )

)atamanwhoshout) loudlyinaforeignlanguage.

fromtheuniversity. (graduate )

9. isthisthethirdtimethatyou___late? (be )

i h**e to take this medicine ? itso terrible ! taste )

iisonmydesk,rightundermynose. (lose )

is a girl whoabout her own interests. (care )

is a hardworking student who __alwaysthe teachers questions. (ask )

14. bythistimetomorrowwethemachine. (repair )

was requested that all the wordsthree times . copy )

16break )

17. helen___home. (le**e )

18. goodcaremust___of babiesparticularlywhiletheyareill.( take )

to touch the exhibits in the museum. (request )

20. the noticeno smoking “.read )


1. 他问我的新工作是否进展顺利。 (get )

he asked me


you could give me an early reply.

3.你无法想象和理解我们在农场里经历的事情。 (go through )

you cannot imagine or understand

4.他们在一次晚会上一见钟情。 (fall )

theyat first sight at a party .

5.整天玩耍不努力学习没有什么乐趣。 (pleasure )

all day without studying hard .

6.为了提高英语,他加入了一个英语俱乐部。( order )

he joined an english club .

7.她很倔强,我觉得很难说服她改变主意。 (persuade )

she is tooi

9.我们很担心目前的环境污染问题。( concern )

wethe continuing pollution of the environment.

10.这是第四次一周内他给你打**。 (ring )

11.我迫不及待的告诉他这个好消息。 (wait )

12.是他的姐姐帮他解决了那个难题。 (用强调句)

13.一旦她决定了,没有什么能改变它。 (make )

nothing can change it .

14.大量的书籍和杂志已经送到了**灾区。( send )

a large number of books and magazinesthe earthquake hit area.

15.她的坚定地表情告诉我们她不会放弃她的计划。 (give )


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