
发布 2021-11-05 17:19:28 阅读 2273

1.与……相似:be similar to

2.注意你的行为:beh**e yourself

3.以严肃的行为做:beh**e in a serious manner

4.做某事只是为了玩玩:do sth for fun

5.做……有趣:h**e fun doing sth

6.换句话说:in other words

7.在某方面:be different from……in

8.对待……的态度:attitude to doing

9.关于……的观点:opinion about

10.对……印象深刻:be impressed with sb

11.和……一样:the same as

12.在某方面流利:be fluent in

13.取得进步:make progress

14.犯错误:make mistakes

15.对……厌烦:be bored with

16.遍及全世界:all over the world

17.油漆味:the smell of paint

18.一年之初:at the start of the year

19.写信给某人:write to

20.满面笑容:a big smile

21.我最喜欢的学科:me f**orite subject

22.在……的末端:at the end of

23.被分成……:be divided into

24.参加:take part in

25.一点也不像:nothing like

26.收到来信:hear from

27.期盼做某事:look forward to doing

28.一切顺利吧?:how's it going?

29.区别出:make out

30.最重要的是:above all

31.根据:according to

32.禁不住做某事:can't help doing

33.和某人说句话:h**e a word with sb

34.被录取:be admitted to

35.如此有条理:well organised

36.因此:as a result

37.在某方面做得好:do well in

38.因为某事尊敬某人:respect sb for sth

39.如果我能得到你的帮助,我将不胜感激:i would appreciate it if i can get help from you

40.宁愿做某事而不做某事:would rather do than do

41.比起做某事更喜欢做某事:prefer to do rather than do

42.你听明白了吗?:h**e you got that?

43.那就这么定了:that's settled

44.几个事情:a couple of things

45.你说了算:it's up to you

46.适用与某人/事:this is true of sb/sth

47.在某人50多岁的时候:in one's fifties

48.对……有耐心:be patient with

49.对某人在某方面严格:be strict with sb in sth

50.确定:make sure

51.泄露:give away

52.同意某人:agree with

53.提到,参考:refer to

54.运输途径:the means of transport

55.友好相处:get on

56.不止一个:more than one

57.迅速成名:take off

58.……怎么样:how do you find……?

59.在海岸线:on the coast

60.我第一次乘火车:my first ride on a train

61.……的缩写:be short for

52.次数上不再……:not……any more

63.过期了:out of date

64.以……的速度:at a speed of

65.远一点:at a distance

66.在远处:in the distance

67.在半夜:at midnight

68.参加一个开幕式:attend an opening ceremony

69.在一个被遗弃的农场:on an abandoned farm

70.工作面试:a job interview



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