高考英语语法复习常用动词短语 二

发布 2020-01-04 08:23:28 阅读 4144


考点1. look相关短语。

1 i still shudder when i look back on the past.


2 things are looking up. 情况在好转。

3 you shouldn’t look down upon the poor.


4 the police are looking into the cause of the accident.


5 look out. there’s a car coming! 当心!汽车来了!

6 i had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he’d written.


7 he looked her over and nodded lightly.


8 we looked on her as a daughter.


9 while shopping here, you must look out for pickpockets.


10 many fans look up to yao ming.


1. 【2011四川】i often __the words i don’t know in the dictionary or on the internet.

a. look upb. look at

c. look ford. look into

2. 【2009湖北】would you please __the ***** for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

a. look aroundb. look into

c. look upd. look through

3. 【2009江西】it is reported that the police will soon __the case of two missing children.

a. look uponb. look after

c. look intod. look out

4. 【2007全国i】“goodbye, then,” she said, without even __from her book.

a. looking down b. looking up

c. looking away d. looking on

5. 【2010安徽】no matter how low you consider yourself , there is always someone __you wishing they were that high.

a. getting rid of b. getting along with

c. looking up to d. looking down upon

考点2. pay相关短语。

1 can you lend me some money? i’ll pay you/it back tomorrow.


2 he swore he’d pay her back for all she’d done to him.


3 we should be able to pay off the debt within two years. 我们应该两年内能还清债务。

4 all her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam.


6. 【2012安徽】the athlete’s years of hard training __when she finally won the olympic gold medal.

a. went onb. got through

c. paid offd. ended up

7. 【2013新课标ⅱ】the watch was very good, and he __20 percent down for it.

a. paid b. cost c. bought d. spent

考点3. pick相关短语。

1 i went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing.


2 when you’re in town, could you pick up the books i ordered?


3 whose turn is it to pick the children up after school?


4 the train stopped several times to pick up passengers. 火车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。

5 my friends knew where to pick up a good second-hand bike. 我的朋友知道在**可以便宜地买到好的二手自行车。

6 we picked up the harbor lights as we sailed along.我们向前航行时看见了港口灯塔。

7 police dogs picked up the scent(气味) of the two men from clothes they had left behind.


8 can you pick up moscow on your radio?


9 after lunch shall we pick up where we left off yesterday?


10 she fell off her bike, but quickly picked herself up.

她从自行车上摔了下来, 但马上爬了起来。

11 the truck picked up speed slowly.


12 the wind always picks up in the evening.


13 his spirits picked up when he got the good news.


14 the economy is finally beginning to pick up again.


15 he picked up nicely after a long careful treat.


it seems as if the weather may pick up soon.


let me pick out some good ones for you.


8. 【2012四川】it’s surprising that your brother __russian so quickly—he hasn’t lived there very long.

a. picked upb. looked up

c. put upd. made up

9. 【2010山东】sam __some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.

a. brought upb. looked up

c. picked upd. set up

10. 【2007四川】it was so dark in the cinema that i could hardly __my friend.

a. turn outb. bring out

c. call outd. pick out

考点4. put相关短语。

1 he put aside some money every month for future uses.


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