
发布 2020-01-03 06:43:28 阅读 6734

you want to come over after school?

want to do sth. 想要做某事。

eg. i want to stay with my friends. 我想跟我朋友待一块儿。

come over过来。

eg. when did you first come over to china

2.--bob, where’ s your basketball?

---i don’t h**e one.


eg. my pen is broken. i must buy one.


eg. a: do you h**e a knife? b: yes, i h**e one.

a: give it to me , please. b: ok. here it is.

3. how about you? 你呢?

how about的用法:


d like a cup of tea. how about you? 我想要一杯茶,你呢?

2):向对方提出建议或请求,相当于句型would you like...语气很委婉。

about h**ing some bread?=would you like some bread? 你想要一些面包吗?


m a teacher. how about you? 我是一名老师,你呢?


eg.1. how about the weather in your city? 你那天气怎样?

2. how about your father? 你爸爸身体还好吗?


about this car? 这辆车如何?

4. what are your f**ourite hobbies? 你最喜欢的业余爱好是什么?

肯定回答通常为 i/we like doing sth. and doing sth.

否定回答通常为 i/we don’t like doing sth. or doing sth.



小学 四年级英语 重点句型荟萃。本学期所学重点句型 1.询问来自 where are you fromi m from where is she fromshe s from where is he fromhe s from where are they fromthey re from 2.介绍...


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