
发布 2020-01-02 13:42:28 阅读 1799



副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。定义:副词(adverb-adv.) 用以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词的词叫做副词。

例如: not(不),here(这里),now(现在)。副词和状语是两个概念,副词是词的一种类别,而状语则是一个句子成分,是词或词组在句子中所起的作用。


h**e you read this book before? (副词,作时间状语)


he will arrive before ten o’clock. (介词,before ten o’clock 是介词短语,作时间状语)





it’s beginning to rain now! 现在开始下雨了!

i h**en’t seen her recently. 最近我没见到她。

will you be free tonight? 你今晚有空吗?

see you later. 回头见。

2)表示频繁度的副词,也称频度副词(adverbs of frequency):

she is constantly changing her mind. 她老是改变主意。

we do meet now and then, but not regularly. 我们确实偶尔也见面,但不经常见面。


i’ll be back presently (shortly). 我一会儿就回来。

what decision did you finally arrive at? 你们最后作出了什么决定?

nancy was up early. 南西很早就起来来了。

he has just had an operation. 他刚动过手术。

2. 地点副词:


she is studying abroad. 她在国外留学。

if he is not here, he’s about somewhere. 如果他不在这儿,那就在附近什么地方。

they moved downtown. 他们搬到城里了。

2)还有一些部分与介词同形的副词,有人称它们为副词小品词 (adverb particles).


用作介词:the dead sea is below see level. 死海在海平面之下。

don’t stand so near the train. 不要站的离火车这么近。

stand up! 起立!

he jumped off the horse. 他从马上跳了下来。

用作副词:i could see river down below. 我可以看到下方的那条河。

he lives quite near. 他住的很近。

a cat climbed up the tree. 猫爬上了树。

the bird flew off. 鸟儿飞走了。


we h**e no shops locally. 我们在本地区没有商店。

the theory has been universally accepted. 这个理论已被普遍接受。

此外,以where 构成的副词也是地点副词:

it’s the same everywhere. 到处都一样。

i seemed to h**e met you somewhere. 我似乎在哪见过你。


women's family status has a obviously improvement except in some rural countries.

it should construct fully legal system for women.


sometimes, some times, sometime, some time

1. sometimes( 有时,偶尔)(=occasionally).

he sometimes smokes. 他偶尔抽烟。

2. some times (好几次)(=several times)

i h**e been in hong kong some times. 我到过香港好几次。

3. sometime (某一个时候)(现在或未来均可)

come over and see me sometime. 随便什么时候,请过来看我。

4. some time (一些时间)

he had waited for us for some time when we arrived at the station. 当我们抵达车站时,他已等我们一些时候了。

almost, nearly

这两个词均作'几乎,差不多'解。 但nearly之后不可接否定字,如no, none, nothing, never等词,almost 后可以接。

正确almost no one believed her.几乎没有人相信她。

错误nearly no one believed her. 几乎没有人相信她。

all together, altogether

1.all together adv. 在一起地

they came all together. 他们一起来。

2.altogether adv. 总共,完全地

his debt amounted altogether to 1000 dollars.他的负债总共达1000美元。

rather, fairly

rather(相当地)可与 too或比较级连用,但fairly( 相当地,适度地)则不可以。

the examination is rather too difficult for a high school student.这个考试对于高中生来说相当难。

my sister is rather better now.我姐姐现在好多了。


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语法讲解。重点语法 1.主谓一致 2.时态 现在完成时 过去完成时 将来完成时 完成时进行时 3.情态动词的完成时 4.虚拟语气 5.定语从句 6.强调句 7.倒装句 8.非谓语动词 动词不定式 动名词 分词 独立主格结构 9.状语从句 10 名词性从句 同位语从句 11.the more the ...


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