
发布 2020-01-01 12:09:28 阅读 7756


for instance

uninterested(不感兴趣) disinterested(公正的)

childish(幼稚) childlike (童真)

envious(羡慕) jealous(嫉妒)

inexpensive(不贵) cheap(廉价货)

refuse(拒绝) decline(谢绝)

surprised(惊讶) stunned(strongly shocked )

stout(壮实) fat(胖)

modest(谦虚) humble(自卑)

sympathy(同情) pity(有居高临下的优越感)


a good man : kind modest just generous sympathetic warm-hearted selfless br**e honorable

good food : delicious tasty nourishing rich fresh abundant appetizing

house: mansion(大厦) villa(别墅,住宅) apartment(公寓) cottage(小屋,村社 )barn(谷仓)

bungalow(平房) hut(棚屋,草房) shanty(小木屋) shed(棚,小屋)

laugh: smile grin(露齿而笑) beam(笑容满面) giggle(傻笑,咯咯地笑) titter(窃笑) snigger(暗笑,窃笑) chuckle(轻声笑) chortle(哈哈大笑)

walk run stroll(闲逛) wander(漫步) pace(踱步) swagger(昂视阔步) creep(爬)

look at: gaze(凝视) peep(窥看) regard(注视) glance() stare() glimpse(瞥见) catch sight of(一下子看到,瞥见)

cry: sob(cry in a noisy way, breathing in short breath)

weep(also used when liquid or blood comes from the wound)

shed tears

moan( a low sound usually because you are unhappy or in pain about something)

wail(make long, loud cry )

whimper(make quiet unhappy sound as if they are about to stop crying)

angry: irritating( irritation or annoyance to stimulate or excite physically)


enraged(very angry)

cross(very angry)

biting( of wounding a sharply painful or stinging sensation, used especially of cold) #a biting wind

distressing(causing distress or worry or anxiety)

happy: gay delighted pleased satisfied joyful fulfilled(completed or perfection) cheerful glad bright contented jubilant(喜庆的)

sad: unhappy unfortunate downcast(feeling sad and without hope/look towards the ground, usually because you are feeling sad or embarassed) blue depressed grievous (sorrowful through loss or deprivation) miserable(very unhappy, full of misery; deserving or inciting pity ) pathetic(deserving or inciting pity; inspiring mixed contempt and pity) sorrowful

gloomy( by hopelessness; filled with gloom 2depressingly dark) discouraged overwhelmed

tree: olive() locust() maple() fir() willow() elm()

flower: rose() narcissus() camellia() jasmine()

wind: breeze() gust() cyclone() whirlwind() storm()

rain: shower dew sprinkle drizzle raindrop down pour


nonstandard 不标准的 slang 俚语 colloquial 口语的 obsolete 过时的

archaic 古老的 dialectal方言的 informal 非正式的 vulgar 粗俗的

derogatory 贬义的

1明喻。o my love’s like a red red rose. —robert burns

2.隐喻。the picture of those poor people’s lives carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget.

3.拟人。youth is hot and bold.

age is weak and old.

youth is wind, age is tame. —william shakespere

4换喻。crown替king the white house替美国**或**。

when the war is over, he laid down the sound and took up the pan.


hands 代人 bread 代食物。

he had to earn his daily bread by doing odd jobs.

6婉言。to die to pass away, to le**e us

old people senior citizens

mademotionally, disturbed

dustman sanitation worker

l**atory bathroom, man’s/women’s room


写作技巧 英语写作技巧剖析

4 大声地读你的文章,相信自己的耳朵。你认为这篇文章有趣吗?如果自己都觉得它令人厌倦,想想读者的感觉!清楚 1 是否每个段落在文章中都有明确的位置?如果不是,就需要做些删除或改写一下。2 你的读者能轻松地跟上你的思绪吗?有没有需要填充的裂缝或者需要删除的不必要的迂回?3 有没有一些词或句子显得粗糙或...


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