
发布 2020-01-01 12:06:28 阅读 2329


1. 思维直线形。

英语直线形的思维方式使他们的文章通常都是开门见山式的, 英语语篇一般按照直线展开,通常包含四个部分:导入、主题、支撑、结论。

2. 如何发表个人观点。

套用句型。1) 表示个人支持的观点。

if i were forced to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be for …

i am one of the many people who support the idea of …

as far as …is concerned, i prefer …

for my part, i am a supporter of …

i believe that the title statement is valid because of …

at the risk of sounding too direct, i prefer to … because …

i feel that the saying neatly justifies the decision.

on the question of … i h**e for a long time admitted that …

given the factors i h**e outlined, i believe that …

2) 表示个人反对的观点。

admittedly …,but i think it is more advisable that …

at first sight/glance, the idea sounds reasonable, but if we take a further look, we can find that it does not hold water.

in spite of all the claims of …,i doubt the value of …

however, although many people …,i feel it is better to …

deep down, i disagree with the above statement, and support the superiority of …

although i appreciate …,i cannot agree with the title agreement.

contrary to generally accepted ideas, i argue that …

3) 表示折衷的观点。

there is no agreement among people as to … some people focus on …,while others may think … from my point of view, both views go to extremes and we need a further analysis of their views.

在表达个人观点时,要注意词汇的丰富性。比如说,在表达“支持”这个概念的时候,可以采用follow, advocate, claim; 表达“某观点正确”的意思的时候,可以用justify, 而不是用reasonable.



在语言的选择上,在语言的选择上,如果能多用一些实词,尽量多用下义词而少用上义词,将会增添文章的声色和气势,避免空洞,并使文章更加生动。比如在证明自己观点的时候,可以用advocate, assert, claim, contest等来代替think, suppose, propose 等。


it has an unusual smell.

it smells unusual.

例2the competition puts much pressure on people.

the competition imposes much pressure on people.

例3the government gives equal opportunities to all.

the government ensures equal opportunities to all.

例4the society still makes women unable to enjoy equal rights.

women are still denied equal rights to the society.

提示:在写作过程中应该避免使用那些较大或较虚的的词,在选择动词的时候,要避免包涵力太广而显得空洞的动词,比如be, do, take, make, h**e, get等。

以walk为例, 有多种多样的词可以代替它,可以参考。

在选择形容词的时候也要遵循这种原则,比如形容一个人品质好的时候,不应该用nice这样空泛的词,而是使用诸如generous, humorous, interesting, smart, gentle, warm-hearted, hospital之类的词。也可以参考。比较:

例1big , huge , large

synonyms big, bulky, considerable, goodly, good-sized, grand, great, handsome, hefty, hulking, largish, outsize (also outsized), oversize (or oversized), sizable (or sizeable), substantial, tidy, voluminous

related words astronomical (also astronomic), bumper, c**ernous, colossal, enormous, gigantic, gross, heroic, huge, immense, jumbo, king-size (or king-sized), major, mammoth, massive, monolithic, monstrous, monumental, prodigious, staggering, stupendous, super, tremendous, vast, vasty, whacking, whopping; excessive, exorbitant, extr**agant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate; abundant, ample, appreciable, copious, plentiful; fat, thick; capacious, commodious, roomy, spacious

near antonyms diminutive, microscopic (or microscopical), midget, miniature, minute, pint-size (or pint-sized), pocket-size (also pocket-sized), pygmy, smallish, teeny, teeny-weeny, tiny, wee; petite, slender, slight, slim, thin

2) 书面语和口头语的选择。

在写作过程中,特别是在议**中,为了增强语言的表现力,还要注意书面语和口语的区别,不要总使用诸如if, because, when ,don’t, can’t 等口语意味较重的句子;减少i think, you, we等语言的频率。在下面的几组句子里,第一组的语言表现力就明显弱于第二组。

例1a) if you compare chinese food with western food, you will find the former is much more welcomed in the world.

b) comparison of chinese food with western food shows the popularity of the former one.

例2a) if we only feel child with refined foods, the child cannot be a healthy one.

b) to feed on only with refined foods, the child cannot be healthy one.

例3a) when facing the crisis of economy, most of us will feel gloomy and depressed.

b) the prospect of crisis of economy will make most people feel gloomy and depressed.

例4a) because we don’t work hard in daily time, we failed in the final competition.

b) students all welcome the decision which recognizes their rights.

2. 巧用连接词。


2)谨慎使用so, and, then, but, or, however, yet 等词。有时使用这些词非但达不到丰富表达的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆板。

3)可以使用连接词,尤其是一些表示从属关系的连接词,如who, which, that, because, since, although, after, as, before, when, whenever, if, unless, as if等,能够丰富句型,而且还能够把思想表达得更清楚,意义更连贯。

写作技巧 英语写作技巧剖析

4 大声地读你的文章,相信自己的耳朵。你认为这篇文章有趣吗?如果自己都觉得它令人厌倦,想想读者的感觉!清楚 1 是否每个段落在文章中都有明确的位置?如果不是,就需要做些删除或改写一下。2 你的读者能轻松地跟上你的思绪吗?有没有需要填充的裂缝或者需要删除的不必要的迂回?3 有没有一些词或句子显得粗糙或...


书面表达,要抓住所给的提示,然后运用所学词汇 语法及句型,避繁就简,简明表达要讲的内容。一 充分准备,打好基础。为了提高书面表达水平,平时应加强阅读,应背诵一些句型 段落 甚至短文。只要读得多,背得多,就能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,还要了解英文写作方面的基础知识,掌握常用文体的写作方法。其实,用英文...


作文写不好的原因 1.心理障碍,一个字,怕!2.词汇量太少 input 3.不知道如何把已学的单词,句子用到作文中。即不知如何表达 output 评分标准 1.紧扣题目,即按题目的要求 不偏题 2.字数大学英语四级120个单词左右。3.学生的词汇量是否丰富 技巧 一篇作文里,尽量不要重复出现某个词,...