
发布 2019-12-30 23:41:28 阅读 4123



21.--25 acbda 26--30 bdcdb 31--35 dabac


36. c 37. b 38. b 39. d 40. a

41. c 42. d 43. b 44. a 45. c

46. a 47. d 48. a 49. d 50. c

51. c 52. c 53. b 54. d 55. a


56. d 推理判断题。

57. a 细节理解题。

58. b 细节理解题。

59. b 主旨大意题。

60. b 推理判断题。

61. b 细节理解题。

62. d 细节理解题。

63. c 推理判断题。

64. b 细节理解题。

65. c 细节理解题。

66. d 细节理解题。

67. d 主旨大意题。

68. a 词义猜测题。

69. a 细节理解题,70. c 推理判断题。


71. express/ give/ air/ voice.

72. people

73. showing/ demonstrating/ illustrating

74. help/ rescue

75. by

76. caused/ started/ formed/ triggered/ initiated

77. similarity

78. journalist/ reporter

79. access,

pressed/ obliged


内容要点:1. **说明:两个男孩知道自己的、朋友及偶像的生日,却不知道父母的生日(6分);

2. **的深层含义:告诫我们不可忽视父母之爱(6分);

3. 父母为我们奉献了太多,但我们却很少想到给他们回报(6分);

4. 从**联想到我们自己,谈谈我们应该怎么做(7分)。

one possible version:

we all know that our parents’ love for us is beyond description. wherever we are, they love us for no reasons, but how do we show our love for them in return?

as the picture shows, the boys know their own, their friends’ and even their idols’ birthdays very well. yet when asked about their parents’ birthdays, neither of them can give a correct answer. sure enough, this picture just gives us an extreme example.

but what the picture tries to tell us is that we shouldn’t ignore our parents’ love. they sacrifice so much bringing us up! they work hard to provide us with all that we need, but seldom do we ever think of how we can repay them for their love.

what this picture reminds me of is that when we receive our parents’ love, we shouldn’t just take it for granted. instead, we should try our best to think what we can do in return. we should work hard at our lessons, in the first place, to live up to their expectations, which i believe will make them happy.


偷换概念。原文说的是 在传统视域下 未来人类发展不是在科技牵引下的一意孤行,而是人类依靠美的力量,按照美的法则建设出来的理想田园。曲解文意。文章提到海德格尔 完满的自然 是帮助阐明老子提出的哲学境界。过于绝对。原文说 也许 牵强附会,曲解文意,推理错误。偷换概念。原文说的是 我们总想把绝对不变的 超...


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