
发布 2019-12-30 22:09:28 阅读 8153


考点1. engage, be engaged in,take up.


例如:housework engaged much of her time.


can you engage that all what he said is true?


i’ll engage to be there on time. 我保证准时到达。

be engaged in doing sth 这个短语动词作“从事”讲,其中的engaged是个表语形容词。

例如:he is engaged in writing a book on english usage.


be engaged to定婚。

例如:john is engaged to mary. 约翰同玛丽定了婚。

注意:engage含有“占有”的意思; take up也作“占有”解。

1. studying __most of a serious student’s time.

a. engages b. takes

c. spends d. pays for

解:答案为a. 该题题意为“读书占用了认真学习的学生的大部分时间”.

engage含有“占有”的意思; take作“占有”解时后面应加up ;spend, pay off的主语应该是人。

考点2. work on ,work at.

work at , work on 表示从事于某事情,但work at为一般用语,深度不如work on.

例如:work at math 学习数学;work on math 致力于数学研究;work on some wood cuts 创作一些木刻。

1. mr zhao, an english teacher, sat up far into the night,__a ***** on how to teach beginners of english.

a. and worked at b. and worked on

c. working at d. working on


work at为一般用语,其深度不如work on, work at a problem和work on a problem意思不大一样,前者可作学习中的“计算一道题”解,后者可引伸到生活和工作中的“研究或解决一个问题”. work out意为“计算出”.

2. you will h**e to work___the weak points in your english if

you want to pass the examination.

a. out b. at c. for d. on

解:选a. work out解决;work on在…上工作;work hard at + subject在…科目上努力工作。

考点3. ⑴more than.

more than +名词,表示超出该名词所指,意思是“不止”“不仅是”.

例如:we need more than material wealth to build our country.建设我们国家,不仅仅需要物质财富。

more than +形容词或动词,表示加重语气,意思是“非常”“很”.

例如:i am more happy to help you 能帮助你,我特别高兴。

more than +数词,表示超出该数,意思是“多于”“大于”.

例如:more than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议。

more than + that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”.

例如:that is more than i can understand . 那非我所能懂的。

如果在more than之间插入形容词或副词,这时它就有两种含义:一为普通的比较级的用法;二是用来表示“与其说… 倒不如说……”的意思,试比较:

例如:the concert was more enjoyable than the lecture. **会比讲座更令人愉快。


例如:he was less hurt than frightened. 与其说他受了伤,不如说他吓坏了。

1. —do you think him naughty enough?

i’m afraid he’s __than naughty.

a. more clever b. clever

c. much clever d. much more clever

解:答案:a 在此句中more ..than意为“与其说……倒不如说……”

2. we advertised for pupils last autumn, and got___60.

a. more than b. more of

c. as much as d. so many as

解:答案为a. as much as 意为“和…….

一样多”,往往用来表示程度,不能用来修饰可数名词;so many as 虽然可以修饰可数名词,但用于肯定句中要用as many as .more than后跟名词或数量词,表示“超过,不止是,不仅仅是”,即相当于over.

no better than=only 仅仅, not better than=at most 不超过。

no more than 仅仅,his whole school education added up to no more than one year.


not more than 至多,不超过,不必……更。

there are not more than six people over there .


1. —i did not do well in the exam. how about you?

i did __you. maybe even worse.

a. not better than b. no better than

c. as well as d. nit worse than

解:答案为b.由maybe even worse(有可能比你还差)推知,前面的句意应是“我做的不比你好多少”.

not better than不比….好;as well as和…..一样好;not worse than不如……差;no better than不比….

好。2. what a wonder! they’ve finished __30%of the task within one week.

a. no more than b. no less than

c. not more than d. much less than

解:选b. no more than= only仅有、只有;not more than = at most 至多,不超过;no less than = just as many as有…之多;less than少于。


3. –how is the article you are reading?

- it is no more than ordinary one. it is___

a. excellent b. terrible c. attractive d. valueless

解:选d. 由no more than ordinary one可知,这篇文章很一般,没什么价值,故选d.

考点4. inform.

be informed of是固定短语,意为“听说;接到……的通知”.

1. he___going to the front last year.

a. was informed of b. was informed

c. was informed from d. informed him

解:答案:a .be informed of 是固定短语,意为“听说;接到……的通知”.

考点5. sell.

sell的名词是sale, sale作“售卖,销售”讲是不可数名词。

1. he got four pounds from the___of his drawing.

a. sale b. sold

c. selling d. sales

解:答案为a .该句话的意思是“他卖画得了四英镑”.sell的名词是sale, sale作“售卖,销售”讲是不可数名词。

考点6. ⑴see notice observe watch, look at.

look (at) 意味着集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调动作。

例如:the old lady was looking at him from head to foot 这位老夫人从头到脚地看着他。

see强调结果,意为“看见、看到”. 例如:i looked but saw nothing. 我看了,但什么也没看见。

watch表示所看事物的变化、移动和发展。 例如:we watched that boy swim. 我们**那个男孩游泳。

注意]i. look at和watch的区别在于:look at 注意的是它后面的宾语,watch注意的是它后面宾语的举动。


张佶。一模已经结束了,每位考生要静下心来,对自己作一个客观的评估,找出自己的弱项,缺什么补什么。如果有较多的弱项,也要找最弱的先补习。一 先注意词汇的复习。词汇掌握好坏与听力 语法 阅读 选择及写作均有直接的关系,建议考生先把要求掌握的单词词组认真筛选几遍,巩固拼写与词义,然后复习一下单词的种种变化...


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一 选择题 本大题共6题,每题1分,满分6分 1 如图1,下列角中为俯角的是 a 1b 2 c 3d 4 2 在rt abc中,a b c所对的边分别为a b c,下列等式中不一定成立的是 a b c d 3 如果二次函数的图像如图2所示,那么下列判断中,不正确的是 a a 0 b b 0 c c ...