英语38特殊句式 省略句

发布 2019-12-28 12:02:28 阅读 3185







在以when, while, if, as if, though (although), as, whether, once等连词引导的时间、原因、条件、方式、让步等状语从句中,常常省略相同的主语或作主语的代词it以及be动词,保留现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、不定式等。

though lacking of money, his parents managed to send him to university.

1. generally speakingaccording to directions, the drug has no side when takingb. when takenc.

when to taked. when to be taken


1. -you should h**e thanked her before you left.

-- i meantbut when i was le**ing i couldn't find her to dob. toc. doingd. doing it

2. the boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told hima . not tob.

not to doc. not do itd. do not to


在虚拟条件句中,如含有had, were, should等时,if可省略,句子倒装。

had i known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, i would h**e never bought would h**e happenedas far as the river bank?a. bob had walked fartherb.

if bob should walk fartherc. had bob walked fartherd. if bob walked farther


在同一句或联系紧密的对话里,后一句常常省略内容相同的宾语从句或从句的一部分。--do you think it's going to rain over the weekend

a. i don't believeb. i don't believe itc. i believe not sod. i believe not



-what do you think made mary so upsether new as she lostb. lost

c. losingd. because of losing

2. one of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and___

a. the other is whiteb. another whitec. the other whited. another is white

3. -would you like some wine?--yes, just

a. littleb. very littlec. a littled. a few

三练习题。1.—i won't do it any more

a. why don'tb. why don't do it any morec. why notd. why not to

2. althoughto h**e a rest, he kept on tellb. tellingc.

h**ing toldd. told3.—will you waste your time and money on that?

—certainlya. i notb. don'tc.

notd. no

4.—mary didn't attend the lecture, did she?—yes, she

a. attendedb. didn't attendc. didn'td. did5.—what's joan doing?

news*****s in the she readingb. she readsc. to readd.

reading6always honest and clever studentsb. students who honest and cleverc. honest students and cleverd.

students are honest and clever

7.—can you climb that tree, my boya. ib. myselfc. mined. me

8. some people are against the plan but __support it.

a. any moreb. many morec.

much mored. no more9.—i'll be away on a business trip.

would you mind looking after my cat?—not at all

a. i've no timeb. i'd rather notc. i'd like tod. i'd be happy to

10.—why not go and h**e dinner in a restaurantit's too why notb. i agreec.

i'm afraid notd. i'm sure

11. i still remember the name of the village __we visited last whatb. /c.

whered. when12.—i usually go there by train.

why not___by boat for a change? (met’92)a. to try goingb.

trying to goc. to try and god. try going

13.—for your brother, i would not h**e gone to see mr. if it is notb.

were it notc. had it not beend. if they were not14.

—i’d like to h**e a piece of bread and two eggs.—anythinga. followingb.

followsc. to followd. to be followed

15. he suggested that the workat be doneb. should doc. could dod. does

16. i don’t like the wayyou talk to your /b. in thatc. whichd. of which

参***:1. c。“why (not) do”结构中,不定式不带to

2. d。状语从句中常省里“主语+be”,这里省去了he was。3. c。4. d。

5. d。回答what的问句,省去了she is。6. a。

7. d。省略句中人称代词用宾格。

8. b。后面省去了people,应该用代词many。

9. d。某些表示心理或情感状态的动词如:

love, mean, want, hate, like, prefer, wish, expect,hope等的后面跟不定式时,为避免重复,常省略与上文相同的动词,而只保留不定式符to。

10. c。so和not可放在动词expect,fear,hope,suppose,believe,think,imagine以及词组be afraid等的后面,省略与上文相同的肯定或否定的宾语从句。


12. d。why not try going...why don’t you try going...


14. c。anything to follow?

=is there anything to follow?在there be句型中,修饰主语的不定式可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式,但口语中,常用主动形式。

15. a。在suggest(建议),insist(坚持主张),order,demand等后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略。

16. a。当way,time(次数)等作定语从句的先行词时,引导定语从句的关系词可以用that或in which,也可省略。


文言文特殊句式 省略句。所谓省略句,就是指在不影响意思表达的前提下有意省略某一词语或某种成分的句子。无论是文言文还是现代汉语都有省略句。文言文中语言表达更为简洁凝练,所以省略句出现得更加频繁。中学课本 现的省略句大致有以下几种情况。主语的省略。文言文中经常省略主语,主要原因之一,是文言文的第三人称代...


文言文特殊句式 省略句。所谓省略句,就是指在不影响意思表达的前提下有意省略某一词语或某种成分的句子。无论是文言文还是现代汉语都有省略句。文言文中语言表达更为简洁凝练,所以省略句出现得更加频繁。中学课本 现的省略句大致有以下几种情况。主语的省略。文言文中经常省略主语,主要原因之一,是文言文的第三人称代...


文言文特别句式 省略句。所谓省略句,就是指在不影响意思表达的前提下有意省略某一词语或某种成分的句子。无论是文言文照样现代汉语都有省略句。文言文中说话表达更为简练凝练,所以省略句消失得加倍频仍。中学教材中消失的省略句大致有以下几种情形。主语的省略。文言文中经常省略主语,重要原因之一,是文言文的第三人称...