
发布 2019-12-28 11:57:28 阅读 5568





例如: he hurt himself while (he was) playing basketball.他在打篮球时受了伤。

//he works very hard though (he is) still rather weak.他虽然身体还很虚弱,但他非常努力地工作。


有些成分的省略是出于语法上的原因——使表述更为简明,例如: he got up at six (o’clock).他六点钟起床。

//he is twelve (years old).他十二岁。//i walked (for) ten miles.



有些省略句的情况是出于习惯用法,尤其是在口语中。例如,在问句中be常常省略,有时连主语一起省略: very easy?

很简单吗?//feeling unwell? 感觉不舒服吗?

又如以what, how或why开头的某些问句: what (happened) next?下面要发生什么?

//why not?为什么不?//why so?


[考题1] he has made a lot of films, but __good ones.

a. any b. some c. few d. many

[答案] c

[解析]下划线处之前的but决定了只能选择具有否定含义的选项c。题干中的“few good ones”为省略句形式,单独看起来不好理解,应联系上文理解为“he has made few good films.”

1. _and i’ll get the work finished.

a. h**e one more hour b. one more hour

c. given one more hour d. if i h**e one more hour

答案] b[解析]表示时间的名词one more hour在这里相当于祈使句“give me one more hour.”,与and后面的陈述句并列,表示时间的名词经常可以以单独出现的省略形式表示一个祈使句的含义。

[考题3] after he became conscious, he remembered __and __on the head with a rod.

a. to attack; hit b. to be attacked; to be hit

c. attacking; be hit d. h**ing been attacked; hit

[答案] d

[解析]表示他清醒之后回忆起过去发生的情况,应选用动名词的形式而不是不定式的形式,先排除选项a和b;由于主语是被袭击,应表示出被动语态,进一步排除c而选出d。d选项中的hit前省略了与其并列的宾语当中相同的“h**ing been”。

[考题4] the police found that the house __and a lot of things __

a. has broken into; has been stolen

b. had broken into; had been stolen

c. has been broken into; stolen

d. had been broken into; stolen

[答案] d

[解析] 主句谓语动词found后有两个并列的宾语从句, 两个宾语从句中的主语the house和a lot of things都是物, 两个宾语从句中的谓语动词都应采用过去完成时的被动语态形式来表示在**发现之前已经完成的被动动作, 四个选项中前半部分采用了过去完成时的被动语态形式的只有选项d, 因此应选d。本题第二个下划线处采用了stolen的形式, 这属于为避免重复而省略的形式, 省略了与前一宾语从句相同的成分had been。

2. one of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and __

a. the other is white b. another white

c. the other white d. another is white

答案] c[解析]特指木板的另一侧应使用定冠词the,因此首先要排除表示泛指意义的选项b和d;又因为a选项不能表示出与前面分句一致的被动动作,因此选c。本题下划线处采用了the other white的形式,这属于为避免重复而使用的省略句,其完整形式为“the other side of the board should be painted white”。

3. the research is so designed that once __nothing can be done to change it.

a. begins b. h**ing begun c. beginning d. begun

答案] d[解析] once后省略了it(指前面刚被提及的the research) is,下划线表示一个“(研究)被开始,被启动”的被动动作,应该采用过去分词的形式,因此本题选d。注意:本题题干中省略的it(the research) is是顺承上文而自然进行的省略,被省略后仍可以很清楚地把握它的意思,而且使得整个句子更为简练。

4. he speaks english well indeed, but of course not __a native speaker.

a. as fluent as b. more fluent than

c. so fluently as d. much fluently than

答案] c[解析] but在本题中作并列连词连接两个分句, 后一分句属于省略句, 为了避免重复而省略了主句中的主语he和比较状语从句中的谓语speaks english, 由此可以看出题干中是在对he和a native speaker说英语的熟练程度进行比较。说英语的熟练程度应选用副词fluently, 所以首先排除选项a、 b; much fluently than中than前面没有出现fluently的比较级的形式, 应进一步排除选项d而选出c。

[考题8] no matter how frequently __the works of beethoven still attract people all over the world.

a. performed b. performing

c. to be performed d. being performed

[答案] a

[解析]题干中让步状语从句的原型为no matter how frequently they are performed(无论这些作品是如何经常地被表演),其中的they are可以省略。

[考题9] the flowers his friend g**e him will die unless __every day.

a. watered b. watering c. water d. to water

[答案] a

解析]条件状语从句的主语是被省略掉的与主句主语相同的the flowers,由于下划线要表示“(花)被浇水”的被动动作,因此只能选表示被动动作的选项a, watered之前可以加上被省略的they are。

5. —are there any english story books for us students in the library?

there are only a few, _

a. if any b. if there c. if some d. if has

6. —would you like to go with us?

yes, _

a. i’d b. i’d like c. i’d like to d. i’d like to do

3. —would you like to h**e a try once again?

a. yes, i like b. no, i don’t like it

c. yes, i want very much d. yes, i’d like to

4. —what do you think made mary so upset?

— _her bicycle.

a. as she lost b. lost

c. losing d. because of losing

5. —when did they get down to the job?

a. until they left b. till they arrived

c. since they finished it d. not until they turned to me

6. —are you angry?

— yes. he should at least answer when __

a. speaking b. spoken to c. spoken d. speaking to


1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b




省略句是英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句 elliptical sentences,这种语法现象称为 省略 ellipsis or le ing words out。其特点是 虽然省去句子语法构造所需要的组成部分,但仍能...


my uncle is better than when i wrote to我伯父的身体比我上次给你去信时好些了 than后面省略了he was 三 对英语中一些特殊省略结构译法需灵活,指的是按正常语法规则分析,有的无法增补,有的要用不同的方式来增补,使之成为完全句。因此,汉译英时,视上下文加以灵...


省略句 英语的一种习惯用法。按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句。一 原文 空缺 译文 增补 两个主语不同的句子,谓语有相同部分,也有不同部分,如果用连词连接起来进行对比,则其相同部分在后面分句中可以省略,这样,后面分句中就出现 空缺 现象。空...