
发布 2024-03-16 06:25:11 阅读 4363



1. als2. b _ thday3.

ca _ ch4. enj _ y5. g _ ve6.

li _ ten7. s8. rad _ o9.

mod _ l10. sl _ ly二、找出每组词中不同类的词。

1. a. photob.

picturec. please2. a.

herb. thisc. his3.

a. fastb. chickc.

fish4. a. runb.

swimc. across5. a.

birthdayb. sundayc. saturday三、连词成句。


3. dim,are,the,and,running,field,jim,across4. still,picture,are,painting,you, your?

5. my,is,ball games,cousin,playing,with,him.



)1. i’m 10old.

a. yearb. yearsc. yes()2. he’s workingthe onb. inc. no()3. i h**eidea.

a. anb. ac. the()4. sheso young.

a. lookb. seec. looks

)5. whatyou think about this?a. dob. don’tc. does()6. the men areby the lake.

a. fishb. fishingc. fishes()7. jim isa model plane.

a. ******b. doingc.

working()8. can the boy catch upthe bus?a.

tob. forc. with()9.

the stamp ismy friend in japana. fromb. onc.

about()10. chinese athletes are goodtable inb. atc.



hair is长), and hayley’s hair is短).快)andatortoiseruns慢).

3. paul is强壮) and andrew is弱).老)andiam年轻).

5. an elephant is重) and a mouse is轻).六、用适当的单词补全对话。

ayou like going swimming?

b: no, imy sistergoing shopping. i

will go with her.

a: whatyour father? does he go with you?b: no, he doesn’t.

a: what does your father like doing?

b: hereading and playing computer games.七、阅读短文,判断对错。对的打×,错的打×

it’stwelveo’clockatnoon(中午).发现)apuppy(小狗) it’s brown andwhite in colour. it has big eyes and long ears.

janelike it very much and brings(带) it into the house at once(马上).

may i keep this puppy, mummy?” jane asks(问) her mother.“ if(如果”) you work hard.

(努力). jane’s mother replies.(回答)


from that day on, jane works very hard and comes the first(第一名)in the examination.(考试)

)1. jane finds a cat.

)2. she likes the puppy very much.()3.

the puppy is brown and yellow.()4. jane’s mother doesn’t like the puppy.

()5. jane comes the first in the examination.

参***:一、1. also也2. birthday生日3. catch抓住4. enjoy欣赏。

5. give给6. listen听7.

sea大海8. radio收音机9. model模具10.

slowly慢二、1. c2. b3.

a4. c5. a

三、1. she doesn’t like wearing the school uniform.2. are you a setter of a world record?


3. dim and jim are running across the field.4.

are you still painting your picture?5. my cousin is playing ball games with him.

四、1. b2. a3.

a4. c5. a6.

b7. a8. c9.

a10. b五、1. long, short2.

fast, slowly3. strong, weak5. he**y, light

六、1. do2. don’t3. is4. about5. likes七、1. ×2. √3. ×4. ×5. √

4. old, young


2018 2019学年度第二学期。小学四年级英语第四单元练习卷。班级姓名座号评分家长签名。听力部分 60 一 看图 听音 编号。10 二 听录音,勾出你听到的一项。8 coatthosenowjeep 5.potato6.tomatothesethatpen 三 按听到的内容,找出相应句子的中文意思...


2016 2017学年度第一学期第11周周末作业。四年级英语 本卷限30分钟完成 班级姓名考号评价。一 根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。1 家2.房间3 学校 4.教室5 窗户6.课桌 7 门8.椅子9 床 二 读一读,写出汉语意思或按要求写单词。1 study2 bathroom room ...


一 选出不同类的单词。1 a.hen b.cow c.goat d.fat 2 a.rainy b.windy c.cloudy d.hello 3 a.blue b.shirt c.dress d.jacket 4 a.one c.two d.thirty 5 room b.computer ro...